Sleeping with Monsters
When everything is on the line, how far will you go to protect those you love? What if the cost of saving them is your soul? Would you pay it? I thought I was prepared for what was coming; that if I made sacrifices, I could win this game. I¿m no longer afraid of the darkness or the monsters that hide in the shadows. I¿ve become what I feared most, allowing it in to protect those I loved. Sometimes it takes a monster to win. Sometimes to fight monsters, you have to become one. My only fear is¿can I come back from it?

Kaddi @kaddi99

Nouf Fallatah @n0uf

Jessie Cart@jessiecart1


Lauren Rose@lerose5961

Julia Jeffers@runthejules

Marissa Luzio @marissacelina

Amber Oelmann@siamesetortie93


Alexandra Acosta@alexandra_reads

Brittany Saunders@bsaunders