American Prince New Camelot #2

3.5/5⭐️ • 5/5🌶️
So this is the best book out of the trilogy. But not by much. This focused on the pov of the most sufferable charcter in the series. But I don’t really know what the focus of this series was supposed to be anymore. And just when I was ready to give up the last maybe 20% captured my attention and made me need to read the third book.

Some turns were taken for sure

After loving American Queen so much I was very invested in this continuing story. After finishing this one I can say this trilogy is turning out a bit differently than I anticipated which is not necessarily a bad thing but a factor in my enjoyment of it nonetheless.
The timeline of this one is a tad chaotic. When compared directly with #1 it doesn’t flow as smoothly but does keep you on the edge of your seat more. I was expecting to only have Embry’s POV so I was pleasantly surprised to get a little bit of Greer’s popping in. I felt like the darkness factor of one particular storyline was handled well and would not be too dark for most readers.
This book is somewhat active military heavy which is definitely new for me for a romance, but I believe was told in compelling ways that kept me interested and was still focused on the relationship. I loved that additional context on the backstory that was hinted at in #1 and never felt like it was backtracking or retelling.
By the end of this there were some tropes popping up that I tend to dislike but I’m holding out hope for resolution in #3. I am a huge fan of Sierra Simone so if anyone can get me to like them it would be her. Thank you so much to NetGalley and Bloom for this ARC.

This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance American Prince is book two in the New Camelot Trilogy and this book was just as terrifying, intense, beautiful and captivating as book two. Now I do want to point out that this review has spoilers, so if spoilers ruin your enjoyment of a story, go below to see the overall view. And if I ever thought Ash held all the power in their relationship, I see it clearly now. Embry holds my husband’s heart in his hands and he doesn’t even know it. He’s too busy looking at the details of Ash’s faces to see the expression, too busy being in love to see how loved he is.” So now onward to this delightful story. I am so entrenched into this threeway love affair that we have going and never have I felt so consummed by a menage love tale or even a romance to be honest. There is something so intense and gratifying that we see between this couple and boy the SEX....first off I want to point out that that sex scenes that occur here are HOT, I didn't think they could get hotter than book one but I was wrong. There was definitely more of an edge to them and they won't be everyone. We see the light and the dark of human nature and that sometimes we need to push out the bad memories with something so intense and wild. This is something we see but we also go forward with the Arthurian legend and this is the part of the legend I was REALLY dreading. I knew it was coming up, you see the story slowly lead up to it but we also see the intensity, the powerful love between them all and we also see that there are times we hurt those we love even when it kills a part of us inside in the depths of our souls. It was the purest heavens in the midst of the worst hell, and I loved every minute of it, even though it was all underpinned by a lie--my lie—and I knew one day it would burn down around me American Prince is our story told in two points of view....Greer at times, but most of it comes in the view of Embry, our American Prince. We get those delicious flashbacks into his past, seeing him begin his military career, fighting Carpathia, falling in love with Ash and the unevitable way he pushes Ash away so that he can go forward with his career, a destiny that leads him to becoming The President of the United States and one of the best leaders the country has ever had. Embry hates having to hurt Ash through the story, we see how it breaks a part of him, but we also see that Embry is ashamed too and takes it out on Ash at times. Embry is learning to become the knight he was destined to be, even when his knighthood might make him enemies with the two people that he loves more than life but we see how much he is willing to sacrifice for Greer and Ash. Another part of our story is the present day timeline that we see happen. Now this book starts off right off after book one here. Where our beloved Greer, right after the perfect wedding night with the two men she loves (and yes it was blissfully perfect, one of the best love scenes I have ever read) she receives a text from her pain in the booty cousin and finds herself kidnapped and taken to the horrid leader of Carpathia who wants her. Greer knows that some horrible things are about to happen to her but she knows that she just has to stay alive until her men can come for her. She isn't the normal damsel in distress, she makes her escape attempts when she can but its fruitless but she is then rescued by Embry who comes for her. This is where I loved the alpha in Embry. He normally doesn't have it when around Ash, but he forces Ash to see that because of his position as President he can't rescue his wife. But Embry would risk everything for both Ash and Greer. But while during the rescue, he is a bit too late. Now I want to point out that Greer isn't raped fully, but there is some groping and abuse a bit that we see. And there is an intense scene of play that we see happen between Greer and Embry. But it proves to be what Greer actually needed to help her cleanse from what she had to suffer while in the enemies hands. But there are secrets to be revealed, blackmail of enemies to happen and the story turns down south when Embry has to face up to some facts and truths and the secrets that may destroy what they have forever.... I wanted to tell Ash that loving him was like a scar, like a disease, it would always be there, I’d never be cured of it, and I didn’t want to be. THIS BOOK!!! It tore me to shreds and yet I couldn't put this story down. I simply loved everything about this story but I really wanted more from the ending and I am hoping that we see all the goodness that I need in this couple in book three. I am really curious to see what happens between the three here in the conclusion of the series. And honestly I am coming to really despise Greer's cousin with a passion. She is horrid and really I have never EVER liked her, she treats Greer so horribly and we see how she has been helping their enemies and she wants to cause Greer so much pain and grief and I am really REALLY hoping that she gets the justice that she deserves in the conclusion because really there is no excuse in what she does. We get some pretty powerful moments in this story as we see the love story between Embry and Ash unfold, we see the hidden depths in their relationship and also the downfalls in their love tale and what really brings them back together. We see a side of Ash though and it really breaks my heart to see how much he has gone through, but we also see the strong man he is. I love how fiercely he loves the people in his life and never gives up on them no matter how much they hurt him. He has this solid strength that we begin to see the depths of here. Overall I found American Prince to be a delight....a tasty delectable pleasure that seeps into your bones and into the heart of the reader and twists all sorts of emotion and feels. I am so addicted to this trilogy and to this three way pairing that is compelling, raw and heartbreaking at times. I can't wait for American King and the beautiful conclusion to their love story and hope they get the fairy tale ending they all deserve!!! Books N Tunes 2019 Challenge

Ahhhh my freaking HEART. This book put it through the goddamn wringer. I am feeling so many things right now: betrayed, devastated, furious, frustrated and just.. sad lmao. I was glad to have this book in Embry's point of view because it helped me understand why he did a lot of the things he did, but it also frustrated me to no end. This man will be the death of me. He cares so little of himself and too much for everyone else that he'd put his own happiness behind literally everything and everyone else. It broke me to read about all of his self-loathing thoughts and how he thought himself to be the most selfish person when in reality he is giving up so much for the people he loves. I wish he could see himself the way Ash and Greer see him. Why is it always me who's asked to give give give until I have nothing left? Nah, when I tell you that this part killed me. I also really enjoyed reading about Ash and Embry's background because like it's wild to me that Embry can't see how much Ash loved him from the very beginning and absolutely finds him worhty of his love. Embry thinks Ash holds all of this power over him, but it's so the opposite. Ash is at Embry's mercy but he just doesn't love himself enough to see it. I just..ugh. I can't take it. I thought this book was going to go in a very different direction, but omg I was not expecting this emotional rollercoaster. I need a breather before I start the next one, but I have a feeling I'm just going to keep getting hurt. I'm down tho. Consider me a new Sierra Simone stan. I think I'll read anything this woman writes. Also, one last thing - fuck Abilene.

Wow! This series in intense but I can’t help but be sucked in by it! Even when you wish there wouldn’t be so much focus on the past and just get to the now, you’re still rushing to read every word on the page. I didn’t enjoy this book as much as the first, too much focus on the past, but I do like that it isn’t so twisty and turny that you check out. Can’t wait to start the last book!

the plot thickens

** spoiler alert ** I could not finish it. I stopped it at page 79. I don't know how people like this. Greer is kidnapped and almost raped. THEN SHE WANTS EMBRY TO PRETEND TO RAPE HER?? AND HE AGREES??? I was already disgusted at how he liked seeing her crying and tied up and desperate thinking he was the guy who kidnapped her and almost raped her. But then all they actually started going through with it and I had to stop reading. How do people enjoy reading this? Don't get me wrong, I'm into some weird shit. CONSENSUAL THINGS. Greer was traumatized at best and not thinking straight to ask for that scene. But I would say it's just bad writing. Rape is not entertainment.

4.5 ⭐️

Let’s get into it shall we.. I’m gonna start by saying my opinions might be VERY unpopular and I do not care, so if you don’t like them it sucks to suck yeah? Moving on While everyone was batting their eyelashes and ready to drop their panties for Mr. President which I did too in book 1 I also really had the hots for Embry.. yup I said it I’m choosing Embry over Ash and this book gives me all the more reason to do so, here’s why.. In getting to see Greer and Ash’s story from book 1 it was all about what Ash wants and what Ash needs it only matters how the outcome looks for Ash no matter who he hurts or leaves behind and they all just do whatever to please him no matter the costs and that was set early on from Merlin and his first interaction with Greer. Embry has been there since day fucking one taking everything Ash has to give. Embry has had to put his feelings aside for the sake of Ash’s future only for Ash to turn around and leave him behind the second he found Greer. & yes I know there were circumstances around why they couldn’t be together at the time. Now I know yes this is a MMF but the relationship between them isn’t feeling so equal to me. Time and time again Greer makes it known that she would choose Ash over Embry and Ash isn’t making any arguments that goes against that when it comes up if he would choose differently either. In going back & getting to see all of his feelings and everything he’s been holding onto really fucking broke my heart to be honest. Embry deserves so much more than what he’s getting out of this messed up situation especially having to make the sacrifices he did. The rescue scene... YOU GUYS! No amount of words can explain how mind boggling that was to me I STILL don’t understand what the hell that was about it made me so uncomfortable like girl what are you doing??? In real life people don’t react this way? Hello??! I dunno I dunno it was strange.. Now as for the finale and the cliffhanger?! I want to say I was shocked but I wasn’t I knew that was the big news when it comes to Morgan but EMBRY and what he’s about to do?! I’m actually behind his decision granted the whole war thing is for the birds because Greer doesn’t deserve that much. I did feel for Ash in that moment finding out 2 heartbreaking truths that way but I almost don’t. This was a great read, I really love Sierras style of writing it’s like she knows just how to phrase things to make you feel exactly what our characters are feelings and it’s the weirdest thing. I almost can’t tell my feelings aside from Embrys, I want for him to be so happy I just know if things don’t change my heart is going to break for him. As for Mr. President and Greer? I’m not their biggest fans at the moment.

Just as crazy and powerful as American Queen 👑 as we follow Embry’s story.🤴🏼 This book was once again super steamy, but one thing I really liked was the character depth, the history between Embry & Ash, and the plot twists were enjoyable! Read this if you like ⤵️ 🤴🏼 Lots of Steam 🔥 🤴🏼 Alternating Timelines Between Past & Present 🤴🏼 Unexpected Plot Twists 😮 🤴🏼 Dark Romance 🖤 🤴🏼 Sub/Dom Relationship 🤴🏼 Multiple POVs ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫/5 American Prince by Sierra Simone

** spoiler alert ** It was so good!! I hate Abilene so much and omggg Ash got his sister pregnant? So much happened in the book and i can’t wait to read the third and last book of the trilogy

Ayyy, como termina así???? Menos mal lo leí ahora o sino hubiera sufrido esos meses esperando a que saliera American King. Necesito saber que pasa luego, sobretodo con tantas cosas que han pasado :c Los capítulos que relataron lo que pasó antes entre Ash y Embry me encantaron, desde el primer libro quise saber como se conocieron y como fue creciendo su relación. Me gustó saber lo que pasó antes y lo que pasaba después, para así hacerme a la idea de porque Embry no podía decirle que si, cuando lo único que quería era que estuvieran juntos. Por eso sufrí, porque amé las escenas de ellos cuando estaban en la guerra, sobre todo esa tensión entre ellos que siempre sentía. Ya llegando al final volví a sufrir, sobretodo por todo lo malo que pasaba y sin que hubiera algo que se pudiera hacer. Desde el principio que odie a Abilene y con este libro fue peor :c Y gracias en parte a ella todo fue de mal en peor, y lo único que quería era que Ash, Embry y Greer pudieran estar tranquilos de una vez. Ahora sin duda empezaré altiro American King porque necesito saber que pasa después con todo lo que aprendimos en este libro y espero que en el final todos puedan ser felices y sin alguien que los chantajee.

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads. Ok. If you’ve not yet read American Queen, DO NOT READ ANY MORE OF MY REVIEW. There will be spoilers for that book. You’ve been warned. Also, what are you waiting on? If you like your books SUPER DIRTY HOT with M/M, M/F, M/F/M — and you can handle a little mind-fuckery along the way — just go buy American Queen. I’ll be here for you when you need to talk. Now, on with my review of American Prince. I… am still fairly speechless over this book. If you read American Queen, or even just read my review, you know that it ended on a pretty brutal cliffhanger. Thankfully this one picks up right where the first left off, with Embry waking to realize Greer was missing and then subsequently being sent on a mission to rescue her because obviously Ash couldn’t go… since he’s the President and all. What ensues is a mix of the suspense and action of trying to free Greer, as well as a heavy dose of the connection and relationship between Greer and Embry. Which, of course, is heightened due to the stress of the situation. There’s also a pretty hefty dose of backstory between Ash and Embry and even Embry and Greer. It was, as you would imagine, fairly angsty. Honestly, I had so many conflicting emotions throughout this one. I won’t get into spoilers, so you can feel safe in continuing to read my review. What I will say is that I was pissed at literally everyone except Greer at various times during the book. I expected to be put through the wringer while reading this one, but holy hell. No way I could’ve predicted the myriad of emotions I felt as read. And even more so maybe afterwards as I discussed it with a friend. There’s no doubt this is Embry’s book. He is the star of the show — for better or for worse. (Better or worse depended, to me, on what was happening at any given time.) I did love spending time inside his head. He’s such a complex character. I wasn’t sure how much depth he had as I was reading the first book, so I found this look inside his head completely fascinating. I had sympathy for him at times… and other times I wanted to punch him in the throat and walk away. So, in short, prepare yourself. As with the first book, this one was HOT AF. The chemistry, the emotions, the passion… it left me short of breath at times. It was intense and raw and real. There’s no doubt there’s a special kind of connection between these characters. So far my review makes it sound like there’s not a whole lot of Greer/Ash in this book. That’s not entirely accurate. There is. I found myself thoroughly entwined with the lives of these three characters as they navigated the trickiness of their situation and the things coming at them. I should mention there is a BRUTAL (yes, all caps) cliffhanger to this book. It was one of those that left me frantically trying to turn the last page on my iPad, only to find there were no more pages. The wait for American King just might kill me. I’m not sure where my three loves will go from here, but I can’t wait to find out. When the time comes, I will have lots of wine on hand. I have a feeling it’s going to be a damn bumpy ride… or bumpier than it’s been so far anyhow. Brilliant. Just fucking brilliant. I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. FAVORITE QUOTES He looked like a man from a different era, a man who should have been riding horses through thick forests, rescuing damsels and slaying dragons. Noble. Heroic. Kingly. I was bound to them like rust to metal, a collision of particles and forces that changed us all irrevocably. There was no going back. “As far as I’m concerned, both you and Greer belong to me. Your safety is my responsibility, as is your pleasure and your pain.” If it weren’t for Greer all those years ago, I wouldn’t have believed myself capable of love again. If it weren’t for Greer, I wouldn’t have Ash again. If it weren’t for last night, for the vows we spoke to each other and the promises we made with our bodies, then I wouldn’t have my own soul.” “You’re going to feel ever inch of me inside you. You are going to know that you belong to me.”

“How many times have I risked my life to save yours? How many times have I proven that I would sacrifice anything for you? Sacrifice everything? What’s a job when I have you? What’s a place to live? If I have you, I have everything I need.” Embry is torn. He’s stuck between duty of his country and the love in his heart. Ash has always been his weakness, along with his credence. Only by adding Greer into the mix, he has become completely undone. “American Prince,” by Sierra Simone is book two in her New Camelot Series. It takes us inside our little prince’s head, what makes him tick; how he is so emotionally defeated in what he thinks he deserves, verses what he truly desires. It picks up where it left off in book one, and takes us on a journey of Embry and Ash’s explosive history. I loved the dynamic between them, and how they spend time in both the past and the present. Although Greer is most definitely a part of their lives as their Queen- it warmed my heart to see the earth shattering chemistry that Embry and Ash shared together. This story is emotional and twisted, and more secrets are starting to come to the surface. I am on pins and needles at this point to finish this series, and how she left this story I am not okay. I need more.

Re-Read, May 22nd, 2021: I loved it just as much the second time around. First Read, April 8th, 2019: ARGHHHHH THE PLOT TWISTS. I love that I know just enough about King Arthur (thanks Marion Zimmer Bradley) that the nods to Arthurian legend in this totally make sense and GET ME. This is such a unique and cool retelling. Going into this, I figured it would probably be all smut, smut, smut and is eventually get bored or feel funny about it. However, it’s none of those things. Sure - there’s a lot of smut. And some pretty crazy and smut at that. There’s even some questionable scenarios. However, Sierra Simone has a great way of taking taboo topics and writing them into the story in a self aware fashion. She knows these topics will cause a stir, so she addresses that stir with the story itself, allowing her characters move through the intricacies and doubt of things until you yourself see things the way they do. This really is a powerful story of love and sacrifice between three people. It’s a desperate and clinging sort of love at times that spans decades with many dark corners and skeletons looking to reel you in. I am desperate for the next one!