In Her Space The Stars Duet

4.5 Stars WWOW!! I don't I've fallen harder for a couple or their story in a book that less than 200 pages! Amie Knight stars duet flooded me with every emotion possible, and damn if this isn't the perfect conclusion for it! Wonderful characters and an incredibly beautiful story! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT LOVE IT!!!

First of all, thanks to the author for providing an ARC to read and review! In Her Space starts off ten years after Beneath His Stars. A lot has happened in those years and not everything is what it seems. Adam didn't have an easy time, but he's tried to make this positive by creating his own app and this had become a hit. He heads back to where it all began to fix a lot of the loose ends that were left behind. Liv still thinks of Adam, but has found her way in life and is working with kids underneath the stars, just what she loved! She soon finds out there were a lot of misunderstandings, but that doesn't make things any less complicated. Their connection is definitely still there and it doesn't take long to act on that. Unfortunately the past is still their to haunt them. It's hard to really review this story without giving too much away! This really is a duology that you need to experience while reading. Beneath His Stars lacked a bit of the depth and hints of what was going to happen. In Her Space really made up for the lack of details. We definitely got more of the information I was happy to see how this all turned out. That being said, I missed a bit of the development between Adam and Liv. I guess I needed a little bit more than we got? All in all, I really did love these characters and this story. The way it ended really did leave a smile on my face. Amie Knight really has a way with words that make you want more! I would love to read more about Adam and Liv and even a few other characters we meet along the way!