The Backyard Bird Chronicles

Not going to actually rate this book since I didn't finish but got 3 hours through the audiobook and just realized it's not for me. I actually liked the forward and preface and it made me excited to read. But alas, hearing about birds for 6 hours and only that is not my cup of tea. I think Tan makes some interesting observations about birds and humans and I do like the stream of consciousnessstyle a bit - its just after she stopped focusing on the human element and it was the journal entries it wasn't that interesting anymore.
I only picked up this book since Barnes and Noble rated it the book of the year, and I'm going to be honest I don't really understand why. It makes me feel like how did it get on that list as I don't think this is anything super groundbreaking. It just feels like marketing really blew up this book into something I personally don't think it is.
I realized I didn't see the drawings so thats a big portion I'm missing, and I did actually attempt to look for the the audiobook companion but couldn't find it.
