And Another Thing ... Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Part Six of Three

I adored the first couple of books in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams, and although this isn't by the same author, I was still pretty excited to read it. Colfer has managed to capture the voice of Adams incredibly well, including the same nonsensical tone and randomness that made the first books so popular. The main difference between the writers is the length of the book; this addition to the series is considerably longer than the originals. All our favourite characters are back, including the mean green dude who's insulting everyone in the universe. This guy, who we discover is named Bowerick Wowbagger, has a surprisingly important role in this novel. Arthur, Random, Trillion, Ford and Zaphod are all causing havoc yet again, unintentionally as per usual. They find themselves on Nano, a new planet colonised by the last remaining Earthlings after the destruction of Earth. Thor becomes Zaphod's client, the immortal Bowerick has his mind set on death, and Trillian finds herself strangely attracted to this suicidal being. So yeah, everything's normal. I did get a little lost and uninterested during certain parts about Nano, but some of the little bits of dialogue or subtle jokes are just fantastic. If you didn't already know this was by a different author, you may not have even noticed. I'm not sure the series needed to be six books long, as the best books are definitely the first couple. But none of the books in this series are bad, and are all worth reading in my opinion. Sometimes I wasn't sure this book deserved more than 3 or 3.5 stars, but by the end I decided it should get 4.