Video Journalism

Video Journalism The Digital Revolution

"Television as we know it will be dead in 5 years at the latest!" VJ guru Michael Rosenblum, Professor at New York University, has astonished people working in TV world-wide with this daring theory. His methods of producing TV with small DV cameras and simple computer cutting systems are not only a new economical method of production, which has now even been adopted by the BBC, but the new genre is also revolutionising the traditional job specification of the TV editor and reporter. The video journalist is not only editor but at the same time cameraman and cutter in one. And the new technology gives beginners the chance to learn how to shoot and edit themselves. Together with Michael Rosenblum, Andre Zalbertus, the former foreign correspondent and highly acclaimed TV author, has established the first practice-oriented training course in Germany for people wanting to learn to be video journalists with his production company AZ Media and has also introduced courses for amateurs. "Video Journalism - The Digital Revolution" is the report on a two-year experiment, the results of which have even exceeded their wildest expectations. The initiators and progressive thinkers as well as the trainers and VJs have put their experiences down on paper and provided tips and tricks on how both professionals and amateurs can benefit from the new technology. Why don't you find out about how exciting it is to be making the TV of tomorrow today?
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