Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation

Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation

Andreas Tolk2012
Explore the military and combat applications of modeling andsimulation Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and DistributedSimulation is the first book of its kind to address the threeperspectives that simulation engineers must master forsuccessful military and defense related modeling: the operationalview (what needs to be modeled); the conceptual view (how to docombat modeling); and the technical view (how to conductdistributed simulation). Through methods from the fields ofoperations research, computer science, and engineering, readers areguided through the history, current training practices, and modernmethodology related to combat modeling and distributed simulationsystems. Comprised of contributions from leading internationalresearchers and practitioners, this book provides a comprehensiveoverview of the engineering principles and state-of-the-art methodsneeded to address the many facets of combat modeling anddistributed simulation and features the following foursections: Foundations introducesrelevant topics and recommended practices, providing the neededbasis for understanding the challenges associated with combatmodeling and distributed simulation. Combat Modeling focuses onthe challenges in human, social, cultural, and behavioral modelingsuch as the core processes of "move, shoot, look, and communicate"within a synthetic environment and also equips readers with theknowledge to fully understand the related concepts andlimitations. Distributed Simulationintroduces the main challenges of advanced distributed simulation,outlines the basics of validation and verification, and exhibitshow these systems can support the operational environment of thewarfighter. Advanced Topics highlightsnew and developing special topic areas, including mathematicalapplications fo combat modeling; combat modeling with high-levelarchitecture and base object models; and virtual and interactivedigital worlds. Featuring practical examples and applications relevant toindustrial and government audiences, Engineering Principles ofCombat Modeling and Distributed Simulation is an excellentresource for researchers and practitioners in the fields ofoperations research, military modeling, simulation, and computerscience. Extensively classroom tested, the book is also ideal forcourses on modeling and simulation; systems engineering; and combatmodeling at the graduate level.
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