Blake's Job

Blake's Job A Message for Our Time

Blake's interpretation in words and pictures of the story of Job contains his most mature, concise and direct statement of the theme which is central to all his work, the spiritual and psychological development of a human life. He wrote of man's 'Fall into Division and his Resurrection to Unity'; and all his works have the purpose of illuminating the path which can lead from the state of 'Error' and inner conflict, into which all unavoidably fall, towards one of true vision, wholeness and inward peace. His perception of the nature of 'Error', or delusion, and of what must be faced if it is to be overcome, is conveyed, not only in rational terms, but also through images which touch the less rational levels of the mind, objectifying the conflicting forces which are at work. This makes it possible to think constructively about them and to uncover the delusions instead of simply being possessed by them. The emphasis is on his spiritual and psychological message and its direct relevance to the individual life rather than on 'Blake scholarship'; and that message points the way to a very positive philosophy of life, based on knowing and understanding, not on belief; it also gives a remarkably clear and unified view of the psychological patterns of life, arguably adding a new dimension to our understanding.
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