Will Mozart Make My Baby Smart?

Will Mozart Make My Baby Smart? And Other Mythbusting Tales of Pregnancy and Childhood

Is there a more remarkable process than the creation of human life? Aided by little more than a bottle of wine, a Barry White tune and an agreeable mood, a woman and man can create a truly extraordinary organism. This book is about the wonders of human development. It poses the questions that make you gasp, snigger and ponder in the same instance; the questions that you've thrown around over a coffee with friends, without agreeing on an answer. Dr Andrew Whitehouse takes on thirteen pregnancy and parenting myths: from whether tight jocks decide the gender of your baby, to baby brain for pregnant mothers; from the imaginary friends children create, to the impact of violent video games. Dr Whitehouse combines stories from modern parenting, tales from history, and scientific research to bust open some of the best myths around, providing reassurance for the challenges of parenthood - and giving you some answers next time your friends wonder about the mysteries of life.
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