
I liked it! Fun read, even though if you're like me going blind into it you'll have some questions, if you're going chronologically and reading this in order. Mainly because I rarely read the plot on books, and I had no idea that the main character was Geralt's mother (which it states in the plot/description of the story) and also disappointed that I read that after too, I'd rather be surprised when I learned about that in the future books, although I WAS expecting for Gerald to make an appearance without knowing that I'm reading about the past and he hasn't even been born yet. The story is solid, about a magician that finds a mercenary in the middle of nowhere and they go on an adventure together on a road that no one has ever came back alive, and it's got some nice plot twists and some interesting characters along the way. Recommended if you want more out of your Witcher stories!

Only read the unoficial translation for the short story called "Something Ends, Something Begins." Because I'm despicably picky like that. RTC. Maybe. Depends on my exoskeleton and stuff. · Book 1: The Last Wish ★★★★★ · Book 2: Sword of Destiny ★★★ · Book 3: Blood of Elves ★★★ · Book 4: The Time of Contempt ★★