The Young Traveler's Gift
Before David Ponder ever visited Truman in "The Traveler's Gift," Michael Holder began his journey as the last young traveler to receive the unique gifts of wisdom offered by historical greats. Rewritten to engage the minds of teens and tweens, "The Young Traveler's Gift" encourages and enlightens young adults as they prepare to face the journeys that lie ahead.
Courtney ✿ @librarycutie@librarycutie
Becca Leigh@beccasbooknook
Lacee Pogue@laceep
Kevin Gilbert@wkeving
CH Schoen@chschoen
Kelly Johnson@missbehave95
Annwyn Jensen@sprawlingonion
Holli Clark@holliloves
Kevin S Perrine@kevinsperrine
Shannon Leigh Williams@lifeinmybook