
I enjoyed it. But it's very surface level regarding Stonewall. The 4th star is only in the name of... ✊🏽

Embarrassed to say that I had never heard of Stonewall until the last couple of years, and it took me until now to sit down and learn about it. I rated this book a 5 because I thought it was a well written and fast, interesting read. It is readable in one sitting to get a broad overview of what happened at Stonewall, along with a timeline of the events since in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights. It has a very hopeful ending - we still have a long way to go, but look how far we've come. After reading the comments of some others here on Goodreads I do realize that it is written with a cis white male centered perspective and leaves out a lot of important Black, POC, Trans, and female voices. In that sense I would recommend this book to someone who has never heard of or knows almost nothing about what happened at Stonewall (me) but after that, seek out information on those missing voices and additional history (which I will definitely be doing).

3.5 The narrative nonfiction element of this book doesn't really pick up until after the riots start, almost halfway through the book. A great overview of the Gay Rights movement, it felt a little rushed in the last chapter as Bausum tries to include all the landmark events that have happened in the last 5 years.