Creative Self-Development

Creative Self-Development Discover and share peace of mind, love of life, and joy.

Ann Miller2010
Create Your Own Unique Life-Plan Practise freedom of thought and expression Regain peace of mind, love of life, and joy Clarify what you want your life to be Learn the art of Creative Self-Development—free your imagination and realise your potential. Create your own journal by following the steps laid out in this interactive guide. Keeping a personal journal enables you to explore your creative potential, and exploration leads to discovery. Living creatively starts with knowing that you are important. Your task is to find your special gift, your passion, your joy above the rest, and to make that the centre of your life. This will bring you satisfaction, purpose and joy. You, being your true self, help others to be themselves. Because you recognise your own value, you won’t have to compete with others. Now is when you create the tapestry of your life. Do it with passion and love and intention. Knowing how your mind works is the beginning...knowing the power of the Creative Mind brings you peace, love and joy. Be afraid of nothing—you have within you all you will need—all wisdom, all power, all strength and all understanding.
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