
Incredibly boring.

This volume was nothing but confusing. Catwoman's been brainwashed? By who and how? No damn clues. No explanation. Nothing about it except it happened somehow, and since I've read all but 1 member of the Batfamily up to and beyond volume 5 this was totally random. It was jarring and as no one else experienced it I call foul. And that was just the beginning. Then we have Catwoman in this dizzying race that made no sense for no real reason. It was flashing and odd and cut back and forth between things so random my head was spinning. While everything tied up together well by the end, it just felt off. No mention of what the rest of DC went through with Trinity War, which made it feel so...fake. I didn't buy one panel of this, and found it very lame. The final installment matched the sudden flash forwards that don't add up to the twists happening in New 52 was interesting, but I doubt it's the endgame of this series anyways. 2.5 out of 5 stars, and it barely makes that.