
Allison Garber@allygarbs
An absolute gift of literature. The story of a friendship that people can only dream of experiencing. Beautifully told, and heartbreakingly raw.

Jeannette Ordas@kickpleat
I gobbled this book up. This is a beautifully written memoir about love, heartache, pain and suffering and the beauty of friendship to withstand it all.

Melody Izard@mizard
Everyone wants to be loved. Sometimes you don't recognize how much you are loved. People can be cruel. Beauty is important no matter how much we wish it wasn't.

Martha F.@marthaq

Deepika Ramesh@theboookdog

Melissa Railey@melrailey

maariyah @drugstorecowgirl

Jill Clark@jillsy

Clare B@hadaly

Abby T. Miller@hairboat

Kay Jamieson@kayjamieson

Rosie Yakob @rosieyakob

Ellen Chisa@ellenchisa


Vicki Grever@vickcat180

Stephanie Cox@perstephani

Jenni Pertuset@pertuset

Jennifer A.@miesie112

Corey White@mswhiteandherlibrary

Tanya Sutton@mrsreads

Dan Slozat@danfromthelibrary

Marisa Eikenberry@eikenlady

Marisa Eikenberry@eikenlady