The Consecrated Cocoon

The Consecrated Cocoon

Ann Thomas2012
Ever paid attention to a picture of a caterpillar in a cocoon? Ever wondered what's going on inside as she's changing from a crawling, not so attractive creature to one that's beautiful and soars? I'll tell you what's happening? The same thing that occurs when God draws us into a lonely place of intimate isolation to prepare us for radical and life-transforming changes. The caterpillar's internal and external features are undergoing drastic changes. She loses everything that's no longer needed when she becomes a butterfly. Among many changes is the loss of her mouth and feet, while she gains more eyes. Hanging upside down in total surrender to the process; the old things are dying off to make room for the new. And so it is with you and me when God's about to transform us into the women we desire and were created to be. We must lose our mouth (not speak against what God is doing); our feet (remain in the process), and gain eyes to see things from God's perspective. The caterpillar's old cells represent our sin and unhealthy baggage that God must remove such as, bitterness, lack of self-worth, shame, pride, and unforgiveness. These must go to make room for what the butterfly needs to soar. We initially hate and even fight the process of retreating to our spiritual cocoon, only to find an intimacy, love, and power we never knew existed. Yes, God draws us into isolation, but once we stop kicking and screaming and surrender; we realize that we yearn to be with God as much as He desires to be with us. When God has His perfect way in the process, we emerge more powerful than we could have imagined, ready to pursue our God-given purpose and destiny.
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