
This ranks up near the top of my favorite Miss Marple mysteries, and I'm only hedging from putting it in first place because I haven't read all of the Marples yet. Really absorbing. Several of the things that I thought were clues turned out to be right, which always makes me feel clever even if I don't unravel the whole mystery before Miss Marple explains it.

Ammetto che continuerò ad apprezzare molto di più Poirot come personaggio, ma è immancabile il finale bomba alla Christie come al solito.

A solid murder mystery. I feel like my previous exposure to the story and the book were well engrained into my brain as I read, so I could remember who had committed the murder but not why it had been committed. Ultimately, it did come back to me as I read, but it took the fun out of it some. But that isn't the fault of the book. Actually, it's more to its credit for being so memorable. I will say it did have some trouble holding my attention on this second read through, though again it could be partially because of me already knowing the story. All in all, a good mystery and an enjoyable read. I'd give this one 3.5 stars out of 5, but I'm rounding down to 3 to bring the average a smidge closer to my ideal rating.