Yield the Night
After surviving a round-trip to hell, Piper figures she can survive anything. After all, she just lived through the devastating loss of her Consul apprenticeship and a torturous stint at boarding school. How much worse could it get? Well, she wasn't expecting a group of crazy radicals to burn her home to the ground and take her prisoner. The Gaians, a.k.a. the crazy radicals, plan to rid Earth of daemons and they need Piper's help. In exchange for her cooperation, they promise her the answer to all her problems: magic. With her own magic, she could reclaim her apprenticeship, the only future she's ever wanted. But her magic comes at price - it could kill her. With the only life she's ever known crumbling around her and her future slipping from her grasp, she needs Ash's help one more time. But the greatest danger of all lies within her, and no matter what she does, she may lose everything - including him.

Olivia Silva@oliviasilva23

Rianne van der Wiel@rianne0401

Kaddi @kaddi99

DeoDone Gous@ddg_booked

DeoDone Gous@deodone

Rachel Metzger@ladydeath

Thea Lizabeth@thealizabeth

Marissa Luzio @marissacelina

Carley Whitehead@carleydanielle

Kenedi wilson@keeks95

Megan Williams@meganwilliams

Ida Vestman@idavestman


Meghan Wallace@sarcasmabuse

Alexandra Acosta@alexandra_reads