
The first thing I noticed was the writing style, which I really enjoyed. The characters? Not so much. Piper is your usual YA main character. She is really, really special, all the boys want her, she has drama in her family, she has to be constantly saved and she is not the sharpest knife in the drawer (no seriously, I’m not willing to call her naive, that’s too light for her). Her biggest dream is to become a consul. Why? We don’t know. Is a consul something she should do? No! Everything you have to be able to do as a consul, is something she is really bad at. At first I thought the main character is the only female in the world. But later on a few other female characters are ‘introduced’, but of course they are all bad. Insert female hating, because you do find it in this book. As I said before Piper isn’t able to save herself. But later on in the book, she has to fight some daemons and wins. How? Why? The fighting parts (especially the ones where she’s winning) are really, really detailed. For me it was too much and yeah, a little boring. Speaking of boring… the sexual tension seemed very forced and sometimes ridiculous. I can’t go into details because then I would spoiler you… but there are too many closets and if your life is currently in danger, you don’t salivate over someone’s body. The world building on the other hand was interesting, although a few more details would be nice.

💀 DNF at 44%. Because juvenile crap literature isn't me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I just DNFed yet another fascinating masterpiece. BUT. In my defense, I have to say I had no freaking clue this book was freaking YA when I freaking started reading it. So it's not my fault if I DNFed it. I'm innocent as a newborn child here, people. Had I known this was puerile nonsense youthful prose, I would have done the only sensible thing: I would have DNFed it pre-emptively. It would have saved me from lots of unnecessary suffering and stuff. By the way, I would like to take this opportunity to point out that, despite my ♛ queen of DNF ♛ reputation in these parts, a-girl-I-shall-not-name-because-she's-my-friend-and-I-don't-spill (view spoiler)[don't worry, Shelly, your anonymity is safe with me (hide spoiler)] is much, much worse than my little self in this department. She's devious and cunning so people don't suspect a thing, but believe me, my DNF graveyard is nothing compared to hers. So there. Okay. Now that we've established I'm a not-so-serial DNFer against my will, let's do the CNR™ (view spoiler)[Crappy Non Review, remember? Please do try to follow once in a while, it would make my life much easier. Thank you. (hide spoiler)] thing. Don't ask me what this cat is doing here, I have no idea. So. Why did I DNF this infantile PoC™? ← don't know what PoC™ means? Too bad. If you read my Delightfully Fascinating Reviews (DFR™) more often, you would know that this is one of my mostest favouritest acronyms ever. But you don't, so you don't. Ha. Anyway. ➽ I DNFed this Infantile PoC™ (IPoC™) because: ① It's YA. I already said that? Are you sure? Like really, really sure and stuff? Oh well. ② Me lurrrve me yummy, demons and me want to viciously murder not like immature, silly demons. My dear Annette Marie, may I suggest a How to Write the Mostest Awesomest Demons Ever class by Professor DaCosta? Come to think of it, that might be a bit too complex for you to start with. So I'd suggest signing up for a Demons 101 class by Professor Reine first. Start with the basics and all that. You're welcome. ③ What's worse than a Love Triangle of Doom and Destruction (LToDaD™)? A YA Triangle of Doom and Destruction (YALToDaD™), obviously. This really is a dream come true. I've always had a soft spot for LToDaDs™, but throw in a YALToDaD™, and I'm seriously doomed. This really here pure bliss. ④ Piper, the enchanting (if slightly underage) heroine, is deliciously TSTL. She sometimes acts like a total nitwit, too. And her character is flatter than a cardboard box. So many endearing qualities. It's beautiful. ⑤ Ash and Lyre. The deliciously juvenile male demons in residence. Such SUPER HAWT pieces of puerile ass. YUM. I've been waiting for these guys all my life. Damn right I have. Let me tell you, my hot-as-hell sex slaves the guys in my harem are nothing but meaningless little bugs compared to these two. Yep, that's right. Ash and Lyre literally ooooooze hotness and awesomeness and stuff. Oh, and they're SUPER UBER BADDASS AND DANGEROUS, too. I think. Well that's what our lovely and slightly youngish heroine repeats over and over again, so I guess it must be true. Right. ⑥ Everything in this story is either stereotyped, clichéd, banal or predictable. But it's not ALL bad. Oh no. Sometimes the story is simply badly written. And most times the pace is uneven as hell, too. How delightful. Reading this book decidedly is a glorious experience. » And the moral of this CNR™ is: don't read this thing. Well okay, you can read it if you're slightly insane and like YA, but otherwise, don't. This is lethally youthful and deadly crappy stuff. And therefore highly hazardous to your health. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Great start to a fantastic series. I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t sure this book would evolve into a series that would keep my attention. The tropes were not my favorite and I just couldn’t get caught up in the action. But the more I read of the characters, the better they got. This book is definitely worth the read. The characters improved drastically from book to book. They went from the common bad boy + flirty friend + in-over-her-head female lead to characters that you want to root for. Not to mention the villains of this series become more complex and the situations the characters find themselves in more severe. I truly enjoyed how this book led into such a great series.

no. just no.