Overcoming Negative Emotions

Overcoming Negative Emotions God's Path to Becoming a Positive Woman

Annie Chapman2011
Guilt. Shame. Fear. These emotions and more keep many women from the freedom available in Christ. Using wisdom from the book of James, respected speaker and author Annie Chapman (more than 150,000 books sold) shows readers how to defeat the devil's emotional ploys by...submitting to Godactively resisting the devildrawing near to GodReaders will discover practical helps for completing each biblical step so they can...defeat guilt and choose confidence in Christcounter shame with the knowledge that God values themdeny fear and be filled with the peace of GodOvercoming Negative Emotions also includes a life-changing explanation of what forgiveness is, what it isn't, and how to apply it to real life. Readers will soon realize that freedom and confidence result when they place their trust and faith in God and His Word.
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