
[ BOOK IG: @clumsyciel ] overall rating: 3/5 ⭐️ time taken to read: ~2 days number of notes: 19 TW: addiction, alcoholism "Why did people kill each other? Because they enjoyed it. Was it really that simple? To achieve a soul-shattering, it is better if the perpetrator has been through the same experience. Hurt people hurt people more skilfully." (page 8) firstly, i know DOAOT is quite well-loved (at least on Goodreads, it is). this review is somewhat from a neutral (and very sarcastic) stance as there were parts i liked and did not like. DOAOT is a self-published book by the author, recounting from his past of being an alcoholic. while being an alcoholic, he learns that he likes emotionally hurting women. he likes to toy with their emotions by being who the women want, only to turn a whole 180° once they are emotionally attached. this rips out the hearts of many, and he revels in it. despite getting past addiction, he still chooses to hurt women. truly, a serial heartbreaker. [ ⚠️SPOILERS ahead! ] though i did quite like the writing style and language used (which is fitting for an arsehole like him), there was pretty much no 'character development' to the author at all. no startling revelation that makes him want to change at all. if anything, the author is even more competitive and challenging by the end of the book. the author sees himself as the victim. he was hurt multiple times throughout his childhood and is probably yet to process his trauma. he also uses this reason to justify his sick 'hobby'. like, dude? the world doesn't revolve around you, please go to therapy and get some help.. HOWEVER, the author crosses paths with a female version of him - also a serial heartbreaker. unknowingly, he falls head over heels for her and she knows it. she toys with him, strings him along just as how he did with the other women. as the author finally gets a taste of his own medicine, this book makes me wonder about karma and what we do to each other. DOAOT is definitely an interesting yet infuriating book. apparently it has a sequel, but i'm not really too concerned on reading it.

Have you ever wondered what happens to those skinny white boys that punch holes in walls when they’re angry when they become adults? Well look no further