Arthur Golding, Anthony Gilby
The Testamentes of the Twel[ue] Patriarches
The Sonnes of Iacob: Tra[n]slated Out of the Greeke Into Latine by Rober[t] Grosthed, Sometime Bishop of Lincolne, and Out of Hys Copy Into French and Dutch by Others: Now Englished by A. G. To the Credit Whereof an Auncient Greeke Copye Written in Parchment, is Kept in the Vniversity Library of Cambridge

The Testamentes of the Twel[ue] Patriarches The Sonnes of Iacob: Tra[n]slated Out of the Greeke Into Latine by Rober[t] Grosthed, Sometime Bishop of Lincolne, and Out of Hys Copy Into French and Dutch by Others: Now Englished by A. G. To the Credit Whereof an Auncient Greeke Copye Written in Parchment, is Kept in the Vniversity Library of Cambridge

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