I Am Woman...

I Am Woman... Book One: My Journey, My Tony

Myriad women out there have suffered due to their husbands' weaknesses. While many have called their marriage a day and walked away, some have tried to hold on and salvage their union, hoping that their love is strong enough to bring forth a miracle. When children are at stake, they try even harder, hoping to provide the unfettered love of both parents. This book was painstakingly-written to relate my true journey and endless attempts to save my union and husband. I tried even harder because he was truly a gem of a man. It has taken me years to muster the courage and will to revisit some of the most painful moments in my life. It is only close to his 23rd year of demise that I have come to terms with all he had done and feel that now I have his blessing to share my journey with the world. All women are my sisters and it is in the name of this sisterhood that I bring forth my life's journey to share. Life is not over, for I have learnt to survive. How I have survived is yet another story
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