
Katie Guo@ukime
** spoiler alert ** Look. I’m reading these as a form of self harm at this point. You’re telling me that a woman who is raped and abuse and kidnapped for 2 months is actually the reincarnation of the wife of a guy who’s super into bdsm and pain during sex… and the wife from 1000 years ago actually speaks out, from this woman’s mouth, telling him that yes it’s me you don’t have to feel weird about being with me. No it’s fine on to the next book

Sarah S@toxikologie


Gwyn Dill@gwyndill

marta @mmartta


Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance


Ashley Janssen@aninterestingidea

Melany Gironelli @meranisan

Rachael Wiseman @honzukiraye

Andrea Fritz@aayaya


Delcie Schiele@delc0619

Lauren Sullivan@llamareads

Micol Scalabrino@micolreads

Alexandria Wilkie@sandrylene

Michelle Hammond@mhammond8

danielle bush@daniereads87

Amanda J @librarianonbreak

Amber Oelmann@siamesetortie93

Paula Rachow@rachow

Lynse Butson@lynnie
