The Sex Diaries Project

The Sex Diaries Project

Arianne Cohen2011
Want to know what goes on behind closed doors?You?ve spent a long hard week at the office and your social life has seen better days. All the while you?ve contemplated thoughts that you wouldn?t even share with your best friend- the true depths of your latest romantic obsession, that you can?t stand your partner, your unorthodox fantasies, your deep-rooted anxiety that no-one will ever love you. Well, so has everyone else around you. We all do it- all day, every day. And this entire universe of consciousness has remained silent. Until now.When Arianne Cohen asked over 200 ordinary people to record their inner-most thoughts and confessions for one week, the results were extraordinary. A hidden world of longing and disappointment, desire and fantasy, and sex - both real and imagined, was revealed. Now the best diarists from all over the country have been brought together. From the frazzled mother of 3, to the Virgin in her first week of marriage, the adulterous business executive and the sexually-liberated pensioner, within these pages you will recognise your neighbour, your colleague, your child?s teacher, or the female professional who shares your daily commute to work. Presenting a disarmingly candid and transparent window into our daily sexual thoughts and activities, The Sex Diaries Project offers a unique glimpse into the private lives of others and creates a powerful portrait of contemporary British society - from a rather unique perspective.
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Photo of Amber C
Amber C@amberleeetc
5 stars
Mar 7, 2022