Motion in Games

Motion in Games First International Workshop, MIG 2008, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 14-17, 2008, Revised Papers

FromJune14–17,2008,theCenterforAdvancedGamingandSimulation(AGS), UtrechtUniversity,incollaborationwiththeNLGDFestivalofGames,organized a Workshop on Motion in Games in Utrecht. Motion plays a crucial role in c- puter games. Characters move around, objects are manipulated or move due to physical constraints, entities are animated, and the camera moves through the scene. Even the motion of the player nowadays is used as input to games. - tion is currently studied in many di?erent areas of research, including graphics and animation, gametechnology,robotics,simulation, computer vision, and also physics, psychology, and urban studies. The goal of the Motion in Games wo- shop was to bring together researchers from this variety of ?elds to present the most recent results and to initiate collaboration. TheMIG 2008workshophostedover30internationallyrenownedresearchers who all presentedtheir ongoingworkon topicssuch ascrowdsimulation,motion capture, path planning and facial animation. This volume is a collection of the paperspresentedduringthe workshop.Since this volumewaspublishedafterthe workshop, the authors of the papers adapted their content in order to include anydiscussionsthattookplaceduringtheworkshopitself.All?nalcontributions were carefully checked by the workshop organizers. The Motion in Games workshop was a very successful event that has set the starting point for interdisciplinary collaborations and for novel research ideas following the interesting discussions that took place. We are very happy with the outcomeofthe workshopandthe excellentcontributionsby the participants, collected in this volume. August 2008 Arjan Egges Arno Kamphuis Mark Overmars SponsoringInstitutions This workshop was sponsored by the GATE 1 2 project and the NLGD Festival of Games .
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