
2001 A Space Odyssey

On the moon, an enigma is uncovered. So great are the implications that, for the first time, men are sent deep into our solar system. But before they can reach their destination, things begin to go very wrong.
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Photo of Ozan Yazıcı
Ozan Yazıcı @ozan_yzc
3 stars
Dec 7, 2024

Gerçek, her zaman olduğu gibi, çok daha tuhaf olacaktır

Photo of lala
4 stars
Jun 3, 2024

I have been wanting to read a book by Arthur C. Clarke, and so I chose one that is most well-known. I did not know that 2001 is written at the same time as the movie was being developed by Stanley Kubrick. I also forgot that I watched *the beginning* of the movie, but I stand my ground and finished the book before I watch the movie again (this time, until the end). I have to admit that the first part was a little boring to read, but when they get into the space stuff, it gets VERY interesting. It also helps that i forgot i watched the movie, because I had a pleasant time imagining all the space-y stuff in there. I also admire that Clarke *slowly* reveals the peak of the conflict/story, and I must say I had a more pleasant time reading Clarke’s work rather than Asimov’s (not to pit them against each other). All the space and engineering stuff is more *realistic* considering it was written in the 60s. Even without galaxy-wide government, 2001 actually has a simple premise that is very astounding and interesting to read. I was baffled by the time I reach the end of the book. I still haven’t gotten around to watching the movie again, but I definitely would. My complain is, as with other male sci-fi authors: WHERE ARE THE WOMEN???

Photo of Ray Remnant
Ray Remnant@rayremnant
2 stars
Jan 15, 2024

I was around 35% of the book, but I simply could not continue reading. The writing is unexciting, the characters uncharismatic, the technical details boring. I really do like science fiction, but this one comes from an era of rivalry between world powers, of technological superiority and national secrecy, while giving little to no space to the more philosophical and introspective aspects of humanity journey in the universe.

Photo of isa/bella
5 stars
Jan 6, 2024

not to be dramatic but i decided to start exploring science fiction with this book and it was a mistake because im............ discouraged. like im not sure how anything i read from this genre in the future could possibly top this . spoilers ahead the first part describing the dawn of man is soooo wonderful and fascinating ... simple but so lyrical and evocative. love the cleverness of the moon monolith being an 'alarm'/the start of a breadcrumb trail. love the classic hal-9000 story. and those dreamlike final chapters where david is being subjected to (or rather guided through) these otherworldly scenes of.... the universe..... who knows what came over clarke when he was writing this section because appropriately, and in in the best way, it is so unlike the rest of the book. every page preceding his journey into the monolith is written (again, appropriately) technically and accessibly, and then with david's "oh my god! it's full of stars!" it somehow blooms seamlessly into this transcendent, psychedelic series of slow-moving IMAGES instead of words. i loved this part so much that while reading it i was worried that whatever was waiting for me on the final page of the book would inevitably pale in comparison & disappoint...... and then. and then there was the looping from end to beginning, the connection forged in the last few sentences between moon-watcher and david. page 30, about moon-watcher: "For a few seconds Moon-Watcher stood uncertainly above his new victim, trying to grasp the strange and wonderful fact that the dead leopard could kill again. Now he was master of the world, and he was not quite sure what to do next. But he would think of something." page 216 (the last page), about david: "He put forth his will, and the circling megatons flowered in a silent detonation that brought a brief, false dawn to half the sleeping globe. Then he waited, marshaling his thoughts and brooding over his still untested powers. For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next. But he would think of something." yeah sorry but this is THE perfect ending and i wont elaborate on that because i cant

Photo of Stephen Campbell
Stephen Campbell@stephencampbll
5 stars
Dec 18, 2023

My crass, Earth-bound materialism has been shattered. It’s amazing that, even when I felt I had a good grasp of the film, the book could still feel this transcendent. Clarke deftly blends science and mysticism – indeed, he makes a good case that when it comes the incomprehensible scale of the universe the two can hardly be separated. Kubrick’s creation is perhaps the defining achievement of cinema and, unbelievably, Clarke makes it a dual masterpiece. It’s the perfect sci-fi story.

Photo of Jaden Nelson
Jaden Nelson@unojaden
5 stars
Nov 30, 2023

read on audiobook, I don't usually give 5 stars but this was incredibly well done in many aspects and I kind of like being confused but still knowing that what is happening is insane and incredible. The world built by the author is more real and visceral that most books I've ever read. The ending was so epic and colossal. I'm very excited to watch the movie now hehehe

Photo of Floris Verloop
Floris Verloop@floris
4 stars
Oct 26, 2023

Really liked how the story starts at the very beginning and moves billions of years to the future and builds up to a climax. I'm not really sure how I feel about the ending though. Maybe I need to read that a couple of more times to really understand what's happening.

Photo of Kaitlyn R
Kaitlyn R@kaitlynryan
5 stars
May 26, 2023

This is one of my favorite books of all time. I want this entire book seared into the deepest crevices of my brain.

Photo of Wynter
5 stars
May 4, 2023

This one surprised me. Sci-fi and I are still in the early stages of getting to know each other. Some books in the genre leave me a little underwhelmed, and some just bore me. But then comes along 2001: A Space Odyssey and blows all my previous bad experiences to cosmic smithereens. I read somewhere that the novel has a lot of technical detail: movement in weightlessness, sensory reaction to hibernation, psychological impacts of being stuck in a tin can floating through the vast nothingness... I was fully prepared to be bored. Was I ever wrong! It was indeed full of such details, but because of them I was completely immersed into the action and had no problems picturing what was going on (a rarity in sci-fi). If I learned something from 2001, it's that I adore science fiction that describes early years of space exploration. I'd rather read a novel about first settlements on Mars, or scientists' wild dreams of sending first manned ship to Jupiter, than trying to comprehend a universe where hyperspace travel is as common as taking a cab, and huge cargo space ships haul generations worth of inhabitants to the planets populated with alien lifeforms. I want the book to express the desire to know "what's out there?", same as we experience today, rather than giving the straight-up answers. I want the wonder of the unknown, not the fantastical theories. It's so hard to find fiction that would restrain itself from going completely fantastical. This was a believable, scientifically plausible exploration of space and what might exist out there. And I absolutely adored it.

Photo of Joana
4 stars
Sep 15, 2022

I enjoyed this book a lot! I'm still surprised by that. Whenever I wasn't reading it, I was thinking about it. After trying to watch the movie and quit after 20 minutes because I was bored out of my mind, I didn't have much interest in pick up the book and reading it. But seeing how short the chapters were I gave it a chance. And I'm glad I did! The short chapters helped a lot to fly over an otherwise dense story. For anyone who still has no idea what's the story behind 2001: A Space Odyssey, I can tell you that if you've read any soft sci-fi published recently and enjoyed it, you probably will feel right at home. For a book written in the '60s, there aren't many clues that show how old this story really is. And that's the best way to prove the test of time. The sci-fi elements and the ideas behind the plot are so familiar and recognizable from other recent and big sci-fi stories, that I had no problem getting invested in the story. It didn't felt like I was reading a classic as I was expecting, and that's what surprised me the most. About the plot, I don't know what to say. I guess it's an interesting view of the world, although I feel there isn't much more to say about it. The story is very static and there are only a few key points that impact the story. Maybe the idea is to be a thought-provoking book, and it can be, but for me, the story had a lot of little branches that are conversations on their own and diverge from the conclusion of the story.

Photo of Floris Verloop
Floris Verloop@floris
4 stars
Jun 8, 2022

Really liked how the story starts at the very beginning and moves billions of years to the future and builds up to a climax. I'm not really sure how I feel about the ending though. Maybe I need to reed that a couple of more times to really understand what's happening.

Photo of B.H. Pitt
B.H. Pitt@bhpitt
5 stars
Mar 3, 2022

** spoiler alert ** "The thing is hollow. It... it goes on forever, it--Oh my God, it's full of stars..."

Photo of Muhammad Azkal Azkiya
Muhammad Azkal Azkiya@euphorus
4 stars
Jan 15, 2022

uopooo tooo iki ora jelasss

Photo of Gerard Encabo
Gerard Encabo@gerardus
4 stars
Dec 9, 2021

Els últims capítols ressonaran en mi i hi tornaré, de ben segur, com ho faig amb la pel·lícula homònima. El misteri i la meravella de la vida, de la mà.

Photo of Casie Blevins
Casie Blevins@casiepaws
3 stars
Oct 18, 2021

I liked it but it was not as good as other novels of his that I have read. In fact, it didnt even hold a candle to the other novels of his. I suspect the reason is there were two many hands in the pot. This one was written in a disjointed manner with Stanley Kubrick over four years. Frankly, I'm surprised it isnt more of a mess given the trouble of its birth. Anyway, I have already started 2010 and it is considerably better in every way.

Photo of Heather
2 stars
Oct 14, 2021

2.75 I don’t really know how I feel about this book. It was confusing and not what I was expecting. Space exploration was my favorite part. It was easier to read than others classic Sci-fi, although the ending meaning eluded me and I had to read a review online to get the author goal (which is almost always a negative point for me).

Photo of Rob Brogan
Rob Brogan@rob
5 stars
Sep 14, 2021

Probably my favorite movie is 2001, and I know that part of that is due to its mystery. I was hesitant to finally read this book, but now I'm immensely grateful that I have. Not only does it provide much more detail and context, it has a lucid conclusion but still exciting about what is implied to come.

Photo of Dani
5 stars
Sep 7, 2021

Qué hermoso volver a este libro.

Photo of Carolina Lopes
Carolina Lopes@carolina
1 star
Sep 5, 2021

I've read a few sci-fi books that I've greatly enjoyed but, for some reason, I just couldn't get into this... I couldn't get myself to care about the characters or plot, and finished reading only with great effort.

Photo of Joana
4 stars
Aug 19, 2021

I enjoyed this book a lot! I'm still surprised by that. Whenever I wasn't reading it, I was thinking about it. After trying to watch the movie and quit after 20 minutes because I was bored out of my mind, I didn't have much interest in pick up the book and reading it. But seeing how short the chapters were I gave it a chance. And I'm glad I did! The short chapters helped a lot to fly over an otherwise dense story. For anyone who still has no idea what's the story behind 2001: A Space Odyssey, I can tell you that if you've read any soft sci-fi published recently and enjoyed it, you probably will feel right at home. For a book written in the '60s, there aren't many clues that show how old this story really is. And that's the best way to prove the test of time. The sci-fi elements and the ideas behind the plot are so familiar and recognizable from other recent and big sci-fi stories, that I had no problem getting invested in the story. It didn't felt like I was reading a classic as I was expecting, and that's what surprised me the most. About the plot, I don't know what to say. I guess it's an interesting view of the world, although I feel there isn't much more to say about it. The story is very static and there are only a few key points that impact the story. Maybe the idea is to be a thought-provoking book, and it can be, but for me, the story had a lot of little branches that are conversations on their own and diverge from the conclusion of the story.

Photo of Alex Deee
Alex Deee@alexdeee
4 stars
Aug 19, 2021

Wacky and great

Photo of Adam
5 stars
Aug 17, 2021

I never fully understood the movie. There are long scenes without any explanation, chimps jumping up and down, unusual scenes without context. Reading this book added that context in every case. Any places I was confused or had questions have now been answered. The book is actually really good sci fi - a precursor to Interstellar or Contact I’m more ways than one. Great read by itself, or even better if you want to understand more from the movie.

Photo of cory malnarick
cory malnarick@lostmonster
4 stars
Jun 9, 2021

the novel, written coinciding the writing of the film of the same name, bears an overall similarity to the film; however, the book differs in the significant moments. the book is most definitely a great science fiction novel, and as a fan of the film, i didn't at all feel like i was treading similar waters. it was refreshing to read a familiar story told from a different perspective.

Photo of Samantha Murguia
Samantha Murguia@smurguia96
3 stars
Jul 21, 2024