The Paranormal World of Sherlock Holmes

The Paranormal World of Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle First Ghost Buster and Psychic Sleuth

THE CREATOR OF THE WORLD'S MOST CELEBRATED DETECTIVE - SHERLOCK HOLMES -- WAS ALSO ONE OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST PSYCHIC RESEARCHERS! . . . He heard the voices of the departed and observed the ghostly manifestations of the dead. . . He believed that the spirits of the dead could be photographed. And owned one of the largest collections of spirit photos. . . Investigated the claims of the greatest mediums of his time and believed them to be authentic. Accepted the claims of two young girls who said they saw fairies and caught their images on film. . . A medical doctor and chemist with impeccable credentials. A knighted war hero. The colorful creator of such widely read Sherlock Holmes classics as Hounds of the Baskervilles, A Study In Scarlet and The Adverture of the Crooked Man, Conan Doyle was also a founding member of the Society For Psychical Research, an accomplishment that suited him better than most of his other less controversial achievements. REMARKABLE DISCLOSURES OF DOYLE -- In this profusely illustrated work, the reader will examine a collection of Spirit Photos which "Holmes" accepted as being legitimate. The reader will also be given the opportunity to review all the pictures in the Cottingley Fairies Series -- including the controversial, seldom viewed fifth photo. . . Plus you will read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's personal paranormal Files on: The Shadow On The Screen -- Notes From A Strange Mail Bag -- The Ghost Of The Moat -- Dwellers On The Border -- A Strange Prophet -- A London Ghost -- The Half-Way House Of Matter. -- The Rift In The Veil . . . Join Tim Swartz, Tim Beckley and Dragonstar as they honor Doyle as he joins in one of the most remarkable paranormal adventures of all time. Make THE PARANORMAL WORLD OF SHERLOCK HOLMES a valuable part of your library.
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