
4.5 stars this book was just SO good. i might be saying that because with COVID-19, i need a good escape and this book did it for me. book 1: iconic introduction to the world. book 2: more characters and has the amount of entertainment as the first book, but i somehow forgot some scenes. book 3: the stakes were high, it left me in a cliffhanger and i need book 4 already.

A marked improvement from the last book! Entertaining and occasionally engaging, heightening the stakes for the final book in this quartet.

Definitely a 4.5. I don’t think I’m currently reading any middle grade books except this series but I can never let this one go because it’s too special and close to my heart. It took me a while to get to it because of the pandemic but reading it was a joy and I’m so happy. The strength of this series has always been how well Roshani seamlessly integrates various stories from Hindu mythology into a modern adventure tale, and it never fails to bring a smile on my face. There were many of my favorites this time around including the legend of the Kalpavriksha, the Narasimha avatar of Lord Vishnu and the story of the Amritha manthan - but I absolutely loved the way the Yakshaprashna sequence from the Mahabharata was included. There are also many laughs to be had along the way, but the action felt more scary and the stakes were definitely higher this time. The pacing is quite fast and if not for my slumpy mood, this wouldn’t have taken me more than a day to finish. The characters are thrown into situation after scary situation, and there’s hardly any time to take a breath in the middle of their quest - and we readers are equally swept away on this thrilling adventure. The characters have really come a long way through these three books and it shows. Particularly Aru spends a lot of this book self-reflecting on the life she could have had if things had been different with her father, contemplating if she is the right person to be the de facto leader of their group, and how would she ever be successful in this war. We really feel very connected to her emotionally and long for her to realize that she is worth it. We also get our final two Pandava sisters Nikita and Sheela who have their own powers with plants and prophecies respectively. But they are also ten years old, so it was kinda adorable to see some little ones who had already suffered a lot, but still wanna fulfill their destiny. We also Rudy, Aiden’s cousin who is a bit of a self-obsessed obnoxious royal but brings a lot of humor to the proceedings with his pretentious dialogue as well as absolute cluelessness about anything earthly. Brynne and Aiden also get to shine, especially in the action sequences and it was marvelous to see her bravery and his resourcefulness in full light. But I really thought Mini got a great chance to standout even though we never get to read the story from her POV. She has always been someone who has a quiet strength about her and is very loyal to her sisters, but in the aforementioned Yakshaprashna scene, we really get to see how thoughtful and wise she has grown to be, and how much more she deserves to be celebrated. To conclude, this was an absolutely delightful read and I had so much fun buddy reading it with my dear friend Tova. If you are someone who loves middle grade adventures with great characters and a beautiful mythological backdrop, then you should totally checkout this series. And if you are already a fan but haven’t gotten the chance to read this latest installment yet, do pick it up soon because I promise this is the exact kind of fun story you need during these anxious times. And after that doozy of an ending, I am eagerly awaiting the next book which already has a spectacular gold cover, and it can’t come out soon enough.

After finishing Aru Shah and the Song of Death a few days ago, I was so happy that Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes was already available for me to read. Roshani Chokshi created a world and an amazing cast of characters that I just didn't want to let go. She takes us on an adventure you won't forget while mixing mythology and culture like it belongs in the story. I think that is my favorite aspect of these books. Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes starts off a year after the second one ended and it starts off with a bang. I did feel that out of the three books we have so far that this one felt a bit weaker. Don't get me wrong, I still loved the story and characters, but I felt it took a bit more effort for me to get lost in this one. It also seemed while the first two books had me laughing out loud frequently from all of the references and jokes, that this one didn't do that as often. I don't always need those, but it is something that I noticed. I do have to say that I feel the characters are really starting to grow in these books. Especially Aru. She feels bad for starting this whole "war" as it is and feels that she needs to prove herself. I felt like she's finally starting to believe in herself a bit more and realize how strong she is. On top of that, I loved how close she's gotten with Brynne and Mini. They really feel like sisters and I love how great they work together. It's really nice to see. Family isn't always what you expect and this book shows that well. Seeing how Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes is a third book, I don't want to give too much away. This is really a story you need to experience on your own, but it's definitely one of my favorite middle grade series so far. If you're looking for a great adventure, an amazing cast of characters and a lot of humor, I definitely suggest picking up this series. I do have to say with how Roshani ended this book, it really left me wanting more! I would love to get my hands on the fourth book now!

I really loved listening to this book. I loved this next inslalement in this series. It was such a fun and fast pace read. I loved how the friendship circle keeps getting bigger and bigger and the drama keeps getting more intense. I really loved the focus of the main story on this one. I also really liked the big ending and wonder what complications that will lead to in book 4! Really loved the focus on the gang in this read!

Disclaimer: I received this e-arc from the publisher and Rockstar book tours! Thanks! All opinions are my own. Book: Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes Author: Roshani Chokshi Book Series: Pandava Series Rating: 5/5 Diversity: Indian main character and side characters! Publication Date: April 7, 2020 Genre: MG Fantasy Recommended Age: 10+ (slight violence, some scary moments) Publisher: Rick Riordan Presents Pages: 412 Amazon Link Synopsis: War between the devas and the demons is imminent, and the Otherworld is on high alert. When intelligence from the human world reveals that the Sleeper is holding a powerful clairvoyant and her sister captive, 14-year-old Aru and her friends launch a search-and-rescue mission. The captives, a pair of twins, turn out to be the newest Pandava sisters, though, according to a prophecy, one sister is not true. During the celebration of Holi, the heavenly attendants stage a massage PR rebranding campaign to convince everyone that the Pandavas are to be trusted. As much as Aru relishes the attention, she fears that she is destined to bring destruction to her sisters, as the Sleeper has predicted. Aru believes that the only way to prove her reputation is to find the Kalpavriksha, the wish-granting tree that came out of the Ocean of Milk when it was churned. If she can reach it before the Sleeper, perhaps she can turn everything around with one wish. Careful what you wish for, Aru . . . Review: Holy cow this book was so good! I absolutely loved the characters, old and new, especially Sheela! My new fave next to Aru! I loved the world building and I loved how this group of heroines and heroes solved issued and fought together. The book was well written and fun, and it was well paced. I didn’t really have an issue with the book at all. In a couple of spots, it was slow but that was to build tension. The book also ended on an absolute cliffhanger that boggled my mind. I need book 4!! Verdict: Love this series!

I feel like this book is the installment where the series really comes into its own. In this book we’re following the gang (plus some new additions!) as they learn of a prophecy with potentially devastating consequences and search for the Tree of Wishes in order to stop the Sleeper. I love seeing the gang grow, i love the adventure and character development, but what i loved MOST was seeing the strength of these characters finally develop. In the first couple books in this series the group tended to get by with luck + their wits, but THIS installment shows their training and their teamwork, and it was a delight to see how the puzzles and battles played out with a few years being pandavas under their belts. I especially loved Mini’s growth in this book- the confidence, the strength, the leadership she was able to show. It’s the arc Mini deserves!

I seriously love this series! It's so so so good. And this one was fabulous, I love Aru so much. What a bloody cliffhanger ending that was! I need the last book now! Please? 4.5 stars

I thought this was a good read. The story is fast-paced as usual, and it's always nice to learn a bit more about various mythologies. I enjoyed reading the book, and I definitely recommend it for anyone who has read the others.


Only one thing felt right to Aru.
Her sisters and friends. Strong Brynne and her fragility. Shy Mini and her secret strength. Nikita and Sheela, who didn’t deserve to be abandoned or treated like puppets by the Council. Aiden, who only tried to capture beauty in the world. Even Rudy, who had so much more to offer than what his family believed.
She would fight for them. She would wish for them. No matter what that meant for herself.

More than anything, she wanted the world to be uncomplicated, for right and wrong to be as easily divided as the black and white sections of an Oreo. But the world was not a cookie. And sometimes right and wrong was nothing more than a frame held up to the eye, the view always changing depending on who held it.

Trust was the knife that had finally cut loose an emotion she hadn’t realized she could feel:
She felt it coursing through her veins like blood, thrumming in her body like a whole new pulse. She was more fury than girl. More fury than Pandava.

The visions finally came to an end.
And the part of Aru that had been stretched so taut finally broke.

“It’s almost impressive how far incompetence can take you these days,” said the Sleeper.
“Thanks,” said Aru, steeling her voice. “We try.”

Aru squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself not to recall Suyodhana’s memories. His pain. His love.
It’s not him anymore, she told herself.
But she hated the part of her that wished it was.

“You okay, Wifey?” whispered Mini.
Aiden managed a weak nod, dropping his arm from around Rudy’s shoulder. “Thanks,” he mumbled.
“You’re my lead singer,” said Rudy proudly. “Nothing is happening to you.”
“I’m also your cousin!”
“Second priority, honestly,” said Rudy, but he smiled like he’d just won a prize.
Este Rudy es un caso jajaja

Maybe, maybe, maybe.
It was a cruel chant at the back of her thoughts.

They were so close to completing their mission. So close to stopping the Sleeper from hurting their families and damaging their homes. When Aru closed her eyes, she pictured Boo staring up at a false wishing tree, hoping for freedom. The twins holding back tears and wishing to be back with their parents. The Otherworld she loved going up in flames…
And yet, there was still a hollowness inside her as she touched the necklace. Every piece they’d found told her that she’d been robbed of something she didn’t know how to miss, and it made her furious.
Rightly so 😡. She deserved better fs

Was this what being an older sister was like? Wanting to yell at someone most of the time but still being willing to jump in front of a car for them?
If so, it was awful.
Lol yes

Nikita took a deep breath before saying in a small voice, “I believe you. I’ll always believe you now.”
That made Aru stop short. What a strange burden, she thought, to be depended on like that. It made her feel like she was somehow ten times taller, and only for the purpose of protecting the twins who looked up to her.

“Let’s go!” said Brynne, but Rudy stood frozen, still stunned. He flailed a hand at Aiden.
“You can sing?” asked Rudy, awed.
“Sometimes,” said Aiden cagily.
“Wait, with my music and your voice—”
Aiden winced. “Please don’t—”
“Should start—”
“Rudy. No.”

Aru blinked to find that she had her arms lifted as if she were dancing a waltz. Brynne gently brought them back down to her sides.
Rudy was laughing. Mini was shaking her head in pity. And Aiden? He was staring at her. The plants beneath him cooed in sleep, and the yalis had reclaimed their spaces against the wall and gone still.
“Next time, just set me on fire,” Aru whispered to Brynne, her face flaming.
“I told you not to look when he does his apsara thing.”
Aru scowled.

She knew the stories about apsaras. How they were not just beautiful, but capable of drawing the whole world’s focus. It made them dangerous and sought-after. All this time, Aru had thought it was all just poetic exaggeration….
But when she gazed at Aiden now, the nursery fell away.

Aru watched Aiden’s face intently, wondering what exactly was being opened inside him…. For her, it had been a bruised ache for the father she’d never had. Aiden paused for a moment, his eyebrows drawn together. His eyes darted in her direction, and for one full second he openly stared at her. His eyebrows quirked up like he was shocked by whatever he’d seen there.
No me quiero ilusionar pero aaaaaah!

“Right is a word invented by humans, little one,” said the star goddess. “We are all stitches in a fabric too vast to comprehend. But perhaps that is a good thing, for it means we are always exactly where we need to be.”

She stole a glance at Aiden just ahead, gilded in moonlight. He turned to her, his lips quirked in a smile, and Aru quickly looked away.

Sometimes a weakness felt like a blade turned inward, but that meant it was sharp enough that when turned around, it could be a weapon. You just had to be willing to face it and adjust your grip.

“If I’d stayed any longer, Sohail might have passed out from having to endure the sight of me.”
By now, the music had started to reach her in fits and starts. Her eyelids grew heavier, and she gave in to the lull of sleep.
As Aru slipped away, she could’ve sworn she heard Aiden say, “Maybe he didn’t see you in the right light, Shah.”
But she must have been dreaming.

“Something on my face again, Shah?” he asked, looking over at her.
Aru ignored the sudden warmth in her cheeks. “No,” she said, averting her eyes.
Gods! I would be red if my crush caught me looking 😳

Aiden sat on the couch two feet away from her. Moonlight had a tendency to make everything beautiful—not that people like him needed it.

“It’s just a name,” she said, mostly to herself.
But in her heart, she knew it was more than that. It was a promise that had been ripped from her. A treasure she hadn’t even realized she’d lost. Before he came to be the Sleeper, Suyodhana was just someone who wanted to be her dad. Maybe he would’ve been the one who nicknamed her Aru first, howling it like a wolf: Aroooooo! Maybe it would’ve started out a joke between them instead of something she’d done to make fun of herself before anybody else could.

Oh, Aru, Aru, Aru…what have you done?
Aru squeezed her eyes shut.
What had she done? She could have asked him the same thing: What had he done? What had been done to both of them?

Aru had never thought to ask her mom about the origin of her name. She wished she had, if only so it wouldn’t feel like such a horrible surprise to know this connection to the Sleeper. He’d named her. Out of love. With the hope that she’d be full of light.