Ashen Winter
More than six months after the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano, Alex and Darla retrace their steps to Iowa hoping to find Alex's parents and bring them to the tenuous safety of Illinois, but the journey is ever more perilous as the remaining communities fight to the death for food and power.

Jeannette Ordas@kickpleat
"The Road" for the younger set. As a sequel it was pretty gripping and I wanted to beat up the main character as he made a stupid move or two. I totally misread the cover though - to me it looked like a skinned human which is in keeping with the book. Also, get used to the word "flensing".

Casie Blevins@casiepaws
Even better than the first book and that book was great.

Doan Tran Minh Thanh@minhthanh

Jem Sugnet@jsgnt

Susan @susanneverreads


Kaela Childers@kaela46

Brian Hill@cbrianhill

riley dawson@rileydawson12


Stephanie dOtreppe@sdotreppe