
DNF around 50% The main characters entire dialogue is cringe worthy and these books are unnecessarily long.

I don't know what made me read the second book when the first one wasn't my cup of tea but here we are

Ok the ending?? Now I need to start the next book asap!!⚔️

Similar issues in this book as the first - grammatical errors ABOUND. She also doesn’t explain what’s going on very well almost ever. The reader is kept in the dark the whole time as to the FMC’s decisions and plans. That being said, the plot is a bit more interesting in this book and a bit more fast paced. The relationship between the FMC and MMC is still interesting and evolving. Hoping the others errors are better in book three?

You and me, we’re not created for dreams. We’re created for nightmares, and we’re okay with that Romance- a feeling of excitement or mystery that involves love. Many romance novels can be sub-genred, such as: Romantic Comedy, Fantasy, Young Adult, Erotica.... but I'm not sure where Ashes of Chaos lives.... I mean I would call it DESCRIPTIVE and not for the light hearted... but not quite 50 shades of grey... but maybe more? hmmm... I am very thankful that I am a huge SJM fan because her talking about Fat as male, female, and describing them more animal than people is probably what set me up for Ashes of Chaos. What she didn't prepare me for were the vulgar words actually used for genitals. No more velvet wrapped steel here!!! These characters are ANIMALS. Animals so ancient we aren't even sure what some of them are.... and using terms like male, female, in season breeding, mounting etc made me feel like I was yet again up till 2 am watching HBO after dark animal edition haha.. If you are easily offended, stray away from triggers such as rape, sexual situations, or language, this is not for you. If you somehow are intrigued by my review and not turned off yet, sure give it a try. Would I recommend it to most my friends? probably not. Will I read everything in this series? absolutely Any witch queen that can slaughter a ton of witches and men while wearing a unicorn rain jacket has me on their team. ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥/5

Enjoyed it much more than the first!

Es que la trama es magnífica y sigo sin poder decidir entre amar a Knox u odiarlo porque el es la prueba de que los hombres son tan idiotas para hablar de sus sentimientos. Solo tengo un queja, por lo cual no le doy las 5 estrellas, todos los capítulos en los que Aria y Knox hablan el uno del otro son muy repetitivos, las misma metáforas y las mismas palabras.

The first half of this book took me FOREVER to get through. But the second half went much faster. What I like: I think the story is really interesting and I think the world is really interesting. I like the combination of known creatures and ones that either I just don’t know, or were made up by this author. I’m invested in the plot and want to know what happens and how it happens. I actually like Knox and Aria’s hot and cold relationship. It might seem unbelievable for her to put up with so much, but I can tell you from experience that good D and thinking you’re in love with someone can do that to a person. And the sexy scenes are very sexy. What I didn’t like: The writing does not improve from the first book. Here are my irks with the writing: the constant monologuing, all the characters speak in these long unnecessary monologues. I think it would be a lot more effective if this technique was used more sparingly and not for every conversation. Furthermore a lot of these monologues are used to explicitly state information that doesn’t need to be explicitly stated. Like recapping Aria’s entire journey so far to Esme. That was like 3 pages that added nothing to our understanding of the events that occurred. We just read it, we don’t need a recap. There seem to be a lot of plot holes, or at the very least, things that just don’t make sense. MINOR SPOILERS BELOW: **One example of this is her being shackled. While shackled she is apparently completely weakened and can’t use magic at all. She might as well be mortal. She get her sh*t rocked by a guard and can’t defend herself at all. So one would assume that the shackles also constrain her creature, but then when she fights Eva she is still shackled but her creature is able to fight. She does this again in the third book. Not only her teeth and claws but she uses her fire as well. If she could defend herself from the guard why didn’t she? Either it’s a plot hole, or it was just out of character. ** SPOILERS OVER: Also aria is definitely a Mary Sue. She has no flaws. She’s literally the most perfect woman in all the nine realms. Her only “flaw” is her nativity, but it’s not even actually her flaw, it’s more so Knox’s flaw reflected in her. Last gripe, the rampant sexism and whorephobia. Every witch is a sl*t besides Aria. And it’s clear that that makes her better than everyone else. She’s worth respecting because Knox is her only lover, while the other witches are worthless, not only to Knox but to every other man in his camp because all they are is a hole to fill. Will I read the next book? Yes, I’ve already started it. Lol. And it’s a lot better than this one so far.