Attack of the Clones

Attack of the Clones

There is great disturbance in the Force . . . Mischievous and resolved, courageous to the point of recklessness, Anakin Skywalker has come of age in a time of great upheaval. The nineteen-year-old apprentice to Obi-Wan Kenobi is an enigma to the Jedi Council, and a challenge to his Jedi Master. Time has not dulled Anakin's ambition, nor has his Jedi training tamed his independent streak. When an attempt on Senator Padmé Amidala's life brings them together for the first time in ten years, it is clear that time also has not dulled Anakin's intense feelings for the beautiful diplomat. The attack on Senator Amidala just before a crucial vote thrusts the Republic even closer to the edge of disaster. Masters Yoda and Mace Windu sense enormous unease. The dark side is growing, clouding the Jedi's perception of the events. Unbeknownst to the Jedi, a slow rumble is building into the roar of thousands of soldiers readying for battle. But even as the Republic falters around them, Anakin and Padmé find a connection so intense that all else begins to fall away. Anakin will lose himself--and his way--in emotions a Jedi, sworn to hold allegiance only to the Order, is forbidden to have. Based on the story by George Lucas and the screenplay by George Lucas and Jonathan Hales, this intense and revealing novel by bestselling author R. A. Salvatore sheds new light on the legend of Star Wars--and skillfully illuminates one of our most beloved sagas.
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Photo of Sarah Sammis
Sarah Sammis@pussreboots
2 stars
Apr 4, 2024

Why did I even read this? I don't like the movies.

Photo of Dimitris Papastergiou
Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai
2 stars
Jul 1, 2023

Set in 32BBY As much as I liked Darth Plagueis from Luceno, this one started out good and had its moments, which I liked, and they were mostly the moments that had to do with politics, the rest fell flat, and I really didn't care about the main plot here at all. Unfortunately the characters were just talking as if the plot weren't already written and you knew where it was going, and of course you know, because of the rest of the media after this one, and mainly the films, but still, you knew were the Plagueis novel was going and how it was gonna end but it was magnificent. This one sadly, was just an ok read. “Open your eyes to what is not evident.” - Qui-Gon Jinn

Photo of Elizabeth Clement
Elizabeth Clement@lizziethebadger
3 stars
Dec 31, 2022

Started great. Got slow, then ended strong.

Photo of Nedu
4 stars
Apr 8, 2022

“Luke was then treated to a sight unique in his experience, unique in most men’s. Several rebel technicians walked up to Artoo Detoo, positioned themselves around him, and gently hoisted him in their arms. This was the first, and probably the last time he would ever see a robot being carried respectfully by men.” “Still, neither man was a Dark Lord. As such, little more could be expected of them. These two were useful now, and dangerous, but someday they, like Alderaan, would have to be swept aside. For now he could not afford to ignore them. And while he would have preferred the company of equals, he had to admit reluctantly that at this point, he had no equals.”

Photo of Roz
3 stars
Mar 27, 2022

While this is not the sort of Star Wars book I really like, I can definitely appreciate what it did for making sense of the taxation dispute that happened in The Phantom Menace. The entire blockade of Naboo and it's justification has always befuddled me, so having a book that gets into the background of tax legislation in the Galactic Senate and Palpatine's role in all that is helpful. Not super fun for me, because I've never been all that interested in political thrillers, but still a solid addition to the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Seeing how extremely convoluted the plan to make Palpatine chancellor - and eventually emperor - was was a little mind blowing because it almost felt like he was just adding extra layers because he wanted to prove to himself how clever he was, and not because it was actually essential to achieve his goals. Which fits with Palpatine's egotism, to be sure. Bit of a headache to puzzle out, though. I will say, though, that the way Palpatine's thoughts were portrayed in the book was very strange. It was like our third-person omniscient narrator didn't know that Palpatine and Sideous were the same person? I actually had a small crisis wondering if I had somehow misremembered if the audience was supposed to know the connection at the point this book was published or not. But, everyone definitely knew. So the fact that Palpatine is kind of portrayed as a little oblivious at times and not obviously plotting as Sideous as we know very well he is, was disconcerting and a very strange narrative choice. Luceno wouldn't have been giving anything away if he had more explicitly portrayed Palpatine plotting behind the scenes, so it felt weird that he abstained for doing that.

Photo of Roz
3 stars
Mar 27, 2022

Man I just love novelizations. They can give you so much more of the little details that time constraints keep out of the movies. Like it took 40 pages to get to the opening scene of the movie! That said, I still don't like the actual story of Attack of the Clones, hence the middle of the road rating. Liked the way the story was told here, but the story itself (and everything about Padme/Anakin) is not my cup of tea.

Photo of Kim
3 stars
Nov 15, 2021

When I started reading this book, I wondered why no one ever told me that Star Wars had books. I was never a big fan of the movies, mainly because I find them long and rather boring, but that falls away in the books. The intrinsic thoughts that you can't necessarily express in movie form are some gems, and help alleviate the simple writing. That said, the writing leaves a lot to be desired technically, but it was a quick, fun read none-the-less. I did get a little lost in the end with the battle scenes, as they were repetitive and hard to follow. Not a bad read, definitely a way to get readers into Star Wars, because I didn't think much of the story until I read this.

Photo of Rebeca Keren Nuñez
Rebeca Keren Nuñez@rebecanunez
3 stars
Oct 25, 2021

Me encanta la cantidad de detalle que aporta al universo, y como amplia las películas.

Photo of Rebeca Keren Nuñez
Rebeca Keren Nuñez@rebecanunez
4 stars
Oct 25, 2021

Soy fan de la saga y cómo me paso con los anteriores, siento que me completa un montón la historia de las películas, útil sobre todo en las precuelas, con las que muchos tienen sentimientos encontrados.

Photo of b.andherbooks
5 stars
Oct 9, 2021

I listened to part of The Empire Strikes Back, and it was marvelous! Containing the complete Star Wars Trilogy Radio Dramas produced for NPR and featuring the voice of Mark Hamil (and others), this is a a fun way to expand your love of the original trilogy. Many familiar elements and many new scenes or perspectives. The music and sound effects were awesome. I'll pick this up again when I have a long road trip planned.

Photo of b.andherbooks
4 stars
Oct 9, 2021

Definitely much more detailed than the movie itself, and with tons more feeling. I'll revisit this at a later date. Great narration, sound effects, and production value. I especially liked Obi Wan's narration.

Photo of Kireth Sandhu
Kireth Sandhu@lifeofkarrot
2 stars
Sep 1, 2021

WHY: I recently finished the heartbreaking Clone Wars TV series which naturally leads in to Star Wars: Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith, but did not want to rewatch the film - instead opting for a novelisation and my first Legends material due to the stellar reviews. DIFFERENCES: I really liked some of the additional story material and artistic vision presented here, especially in the first half of the novel. There’s a deeper introspection into Anakin’s thinking and character through his perspective, as well as masterful manipulation from Palpatine in both the condensed timeline and manoeuvring of key players. Further, I really enjoyed the image of Coruscant bathed in blood-red flames and smoke due to the opening battle, and wish this detail was more relevant in the canon - it fits the story’s themes of darkness and subterfuge. WRITING: The writing overall was good, but unfortunately I had a few issues with the exploration of the dark and light theme. At times it was very cool, especially in regards to Yoda and Sidious, but also had me confused with its concluding message after being prominently interweaving itself through the plot. Also, some Star Wars action just can’t be translated to page - whilst it was interesting to learn about different droid thinking and different lightsaber forms, it is much more captivating to watch a space battle or Jedi and Sith duel. WHO: Really, really for the hardcore Star Wars prequel trilogy and Legends fans. Otherwise, this novelisation is very much skippable for the rest of the reader base. The film and its visuals not just cover the story better but add more perspectives and emotion.

Photo of Lorien O'Brien
Lorien O'Brien@lorienkittybooks
5 stars
Aug 31, 2021

Really well done, it's a little obvious this book was written before the movie came out. The word droid isn't there very much at all, and certain scenes run very differently. But it's the same great story, and there's more backstory to Luke and Biggs relationship that ends so violently. Beautifully written, it's a must have for Star Wars fans!

Photo of Lorien O'Brien
Lorien O'Brien@lorienkittybooks
5 stars
Aug 31, 2021

** spoiler alert ** Dude, this book is amazing. It really is. It's heartbreaking and hard to read because Anakin's fall is so much more twisted and yet makes a thousand times more sense than the movie could ever show. After growing up on the old movies, I can see the biggest difference between Luke and Anakin is one thing-Anakin always felt controlled, but didn't really try to stop it. Luke was never controlled. Not by his aunt and uncle, not by "Ben", not by his fear or anger. He refused to be controlled. And that last PAGE! Oh man! Oh man, this honors the movie and yet transcends it. It's dark, it's sad, it's a tragedy. But it's amazing. Purely amazing.

Photo of Jane Krauss
Jane Krauss@ladyjane95
4 stars
Aug 28, 2021

Although this book is now unfortunately not part of Star Wars canon, the inside Star Wars knowledge is cool, with pictures and explanations of everything in the Prequels and Original Star Wars films. Was still a fun read, and great for Star Wars trivia.

Photo of Rachel
2 stars
Aug 13, 2021

Some background, I never seen the Star War movies but I've heard tidbits over the years on what they were about and some of the big things that happen in them as well about characters. With that in mind I thought I would read the original trilogy before watching the movies, especially when I saw Barnes & Noble's leather-bound version. I was surprised how short each story was, but especially A New Hope. How is this a movie that started a cult following a huge fandom? This should be like a 30 minute episode of some tv show. It moves at a snails pace yet things are happening that start off this huge battle and Luke gets pulled in by fucking chance. Out of the three I read I disliked A New Hope the most. I'm glad I read it though to get into the other 2 but wow was it painful to get through. Not enough detail, too coincidental.

Photo of Tess Letasz
Tess Letasz@pumpkinhag_reads
4 stars
Dec 20, 2022
Photo of Mat Connor
Mat Connor@mconnor
3 stars
Jun 25, 2024
Photo of Ashley shackelford
Ashley shackelford@ashlizshack
3 stars
Apr 29, 2024
Photo of Amna A.
Amna A.@crayoladagger
3 stars
Apr 5, 2024
Photo of Sarah Sammis
Sarah Sammis@pussreboots
2 stars
Apr 4, 2024
Photo of maitha mana
maitha mana@maithalikesapplepies
3 stars
Apr 3, 2024
Photo of Ana Salas
Ana Salas@anitaluvs2read
3 stars
Oct 21, 2023
Photo of Michael Cowell
Michael Cowell@chaosweeper
4 stars
Sep 12, 2023


Photo of ariah
ariah @ariahaiello

He could even put aside, for as long as the battle roared around him, the Starfire of his love for the woman who waited for him on the world below. The woman whose breath was his only air, whose heartbeat was his only music, whose face was the only beauty his eyes would ever see.

Page 18

And ppl wonder why my standards are so high 🙄

Photo of ariah
ariah @ariahaiello

This is Obi-Wan Kenobi:

A phenomenal pilot who doesn't like to fly. A devastating warrior who'd rather not fight. A negotiator without peer who frankly prefers to sit alone in a quiet cave and meditate.

Jedi Master. General in the Grand Army of the Republic. Member of the Jedi Council.

And yet, inside, he feels like he's none of these things.

Page 15

Obi-wan 🫶🏼🫶🏼

Photo of ariah
ariah @ariahaiello

This story happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. It is already over. Nothing can be done to change it. It is a story of love and loss, brotherhood and betrayal, courage and sacrifice and the death of dreams. It is a story of the blurred line between our best and Our worst. It is the story of the end of an age.

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