Flight Behaviour

Flight Behaviour

On the Appalachian Mountains above her home, a young mother discovers a beautiful and terrible marvel of nature. As the world around her is suddenly transformed by a seeming miracle, can the old certainties they have lived by for centuries remain unchallenged? "Flight Behaviour" is a captivating, topical and deeply human story touching on class, poverty and climate change. It is Barbara Kingsolver's most accessible novel yet, and explores the truths we live by, and the complexities that lie behind them.
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Photo of Elle Geoghegan
Elle Geoghegan @ditsydreamer
4 stars
Oct 1, 2022


Photo of Edward Steel
Edward Steel@eddsteel

What they say now is, The canary is dead. We are at the top of Niagara Falls, Tina, in a canoe. There is an image for your viewers. We got here by drifting, but we cannot turn around for a lazy paddle back when you finally stop pissing around. We have arrived at the point of an audible roar. Does it strike you as a good time to debate the existence of the falls?”

Photo of Edward Steel
Edward Steel@eddsteel

What if all human effort amounted basically to saving a place for ourselves to park?

Photo of Edward Steel
Edward Steel@eddsteel

Nothing stays the same, life is defined by a state of flux; that was basic biology. Or so Dellarobia had been told, perhaps too late for it really to sink in. She was an ordinary person. Loss was the enemy.

Photo of Edward Steel
Edward Steel@eddsteel

A wife was to be endured. Men learned that from television, she thought.

Photo of Edward Steel
Edward Steel@eddsteel

How could two people get the same set of parts and make such different constructions? But then, there was raising. That had to be taken into account. What could a doormat rear but a pair of boots?

Photo of Edward Steel
Edward Steel@eddsteel

The heels of her oxblood boots struck the waxed floor loudly, advertising her traveling whereabouts like a GPS.

Photo of Edward Steel
Edward Steel@eddsteel

She wondered if anyone totally understood how banks could make the ground shift underfoot and turn real things into empty air, just with a word.