Bjørn Melhus. Hot Set. Im Atelier Liebermann

Bjørn Melhus. Hot Set. Im Atelier Liebermann Ausst. Kat. Stiftung Brandenburger Tor, Max Liebermann Haus, Berlin, 2019

Continuing the question 'What is a video artist's studio?' this artist book examines the creative process of German/Norwegian artist, Bjørn Melhus on the basis of largely unpublished footage from video shoots of the past 30 years.The focus here lies on the making-of his works.An essay by Felix Laubscher examines the role of the 'hot set' for the work of Bjørn Melhus. 'Hot Set' is a film language term. It means a film set that is ready for recording and needs to be left exactly as it is.Published on the occasion of the exhibition in the studio Liebermann: Bjørn Melhus. HOT SET at Stiftung Brandenburger Tor, Max Liebermann Haus, Berlin (23 August - 20 October 2019).English and German text.
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