A Band Teacher's Guide to Fixing Every Imaginable Flute Problem from the Start

A Band Teacher's Guide to Fixing Every Imaginable Flute Problem from the Start

Your beginning band class is all excited to start their new instruments. After carefully teaching them how to assemble their instruments and how to hold them you move on to how to produce a sound.The clarinets, trumpets, and trombones all get a sound and your flutes, well, it's mostly whooshing air. How you wish you could get your ?ute players to produce a sound as soon as the others so they won't get discouraged.The problem arises because a ?ute does not have a mouthpiece as do the other instruments, it has a headjoint. That is because our lips are our mouthpiece. Every person's lips are shaped a little bit differently and this makes our sound a little different from the person sitting next to us. So now it is up to you to figure out how to help each one of these budding flutists get a sound. This book is here to help you solve the problems that you have with teaching ?ute and to improve your ?ute section.
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