The Pastor's Wife & The Other Women

The Pastor's Wife & The Other Women "Uncensored"

This book is the sequel to The Pastor's Wife & The Other Women. We will take a look at the church and the leadership from the uncensored mode. It will cover the "Entanglements and Traps" that leaders fall into. Learn how to have "Accountability'' to a spiritual father. Read chapters like "The Anointing and At­traction'' and "It's Her Fault." Read "Queens Do Arise" and many more inspiring chap­ters, stories that will help you through whatever, the scandals, the entanglements, or embarrassments you are in or may have gone through. Maybe you are secretly going through something pain­ful at this moment. Know that you will come out because you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. This book focuses on the glory of God when we are in order as people. Know chat there is a "Faith That Will Move Mountains." A book that will inspire, uplift, awaken, and motivate you all in one!
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