Instructions for Your Discontent

Instructions for Your Discontent How Bad Times Can Make Life Better

Restlessness is your first clue. Discontent can creep into your life, making you feel uncomfortable, as if sitting too long in a cramped space. It can make you grumpy and put you in a bad mood. It can dampen your spirit and make you feel sluggish, dissociated, and disinterested. Yet you can use it to change your life. Instructions for Your Discontent is an inspiring guide to making discontent the driving force for change in your life. A practical handbook for using bad times to make life better, Instructions for Your Discontent deals with the feeling that we all have from time to time: something is wrong, but we don't know quite what it is. Supportive and refreshingly honest, Barrie Dolnick, author of the extremely successful Simple Spells books, identifies that feeling as discontent and urges us to respect it, rather than ignore it. Discontent is an intensely creative state, she says. It nags and pokes us to get ourselves going and to accomplish what we really want in life. It's trying to tell us something and we need to listen. Covering all aspects of life, Instructions for Your Discontent explores relationships, love, jobs, money, family, self-worth, anger, and time. This captivating and thought-provoking book provides creative and sensible instructions to guide you through the challenges, anxieties, and fears that interrupt your life and cause you unhappiness. Instructions for Your Discontent offers accessible, intelligent advice for weeding through the downers and moving beyond a life that is just okay. Enjoy examining your discontent and being happy again.
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