Reality Bytes

Reality Bytes Selected Essays 1995–2015

Bart Lootsma2016
Reality Bytes is a collection of essays by Bart Lootsma, written in the years from 1998 to 2009. "Byte" is a unit of digital information used in information technology and most commonly consists of eight bits. Reality Bytes is also the title of an essay by Bart Lootsma, in which he investigates the relationship between society and architects and town planners. Bart Lootsma, Professor of Architecture as well as architectural historian, critic and curator, is one of the most multi-faceted figures amongst contemporary architectural theorists. He has produced numerous publications, including "Superdutch", an appraisal of contemporary architecture in the Netherlands published in 2000. In Reality Bytes he has now for the first time compiled hitherto (mostly) unpublished texts on architectural theory, on Second Modernism, on populism and architecture, on landscape architecture and on the changing role of architects in society.
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