Progress in Cryptology -- AFRICACRYPT 2009

Progress in Cryptology -- AFRICACRYPT 2009 Second International Conference on Cryptology in Africa, Gammarth, Tunisia, June 21-25, 2009, Proceedings

Bart Preneel2009
AFRICACRYPT 2009washeld during June 21–25,2009in Gammarth,Tunisia. After AFRICACRYPT 2008 in Casablanca, Morocco,it was the second inter- tional research conference in Africa dedicated to cryptography. The conference received70 submissions;four of these wereidenti?ed as irr- ular submissions. The remaining papers went through a careful doubly ano- mous review process. Every paper received at least three reports; papers with a ProgramCommittee member asco-authorreceived?vereports.After the review period, 25 papers were accepted for presentation. The authors were requested to revisetheirpapersbasedonthecommentsreceived.Theprogramwascompleted with invited talks by Antoine Joux, Ueli Maurer and Nigel Smart. Firstandforemostwe wouldlike to thank the members ofthe ProgramC- mittee for the manyhoursspent onreviewinganddiscussing the papers,thereby producing more than 600 Kb of comments. They did an outstanding job. We wouldalsolike to thank the numerousexternalreviewersfor their assistance.We are also indebted to Shai Halevi for the support provided for his excellent Web- Submission-and-Review software package. We also wish to heartily thank Sami Ghazali, the General Chair, and Sami Omar, the General Co-chair, for their - fortsintheorganizationoftheconference.SpecialthanksgototheTunisianM- istry of CommunicationTechnologies,the National Digital Certi?cationAgency, and the Tunisian Internet Agency for their support of the organization. Finally, we would like to thank the participants, submitters, authors and presenters who all together made AFRICACRYPT 2009 a great success. I hope that the AFRICACRYPT conference tradition has now taken ?rm root and that we will witness a fruitful development of academic research in cryptology in Africa.
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