Batman and Robin

Batman and Robin Born to kill. Vol. 1

Batman and his son, Damian, team up to fight crime, but when a figure named NoBody resurfaces from Batman's past and causes trouble, the father and son duo will be put to the test.
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Photo of Eleanor Luhar
Eleanor Luhar@bookmarked642
4 stars
Feb 2, 2022

Damian, despite being a bit of a self-centred, arrogant little boy, is one of my favourite characters. I mean, he's a ten-year-old superhero. That's pretty cool. I also love his relationship with Bruce - hence why I was so eager to read this series. Bruce as a father is great in general (I mean, he's not great, but it's amusing and sweet to read) but I think the clash of personalities between him and Damian makes it even more interesting. My ultimate favourite is, of course, Alfred Pennyworth. He's as snarky as always in this, but is no less badass than any other member of the Bat family. The plot of this novel is based on Nobody, or Morgan Ducard as he's actually called. Throughout the book we learn about his past with Bruce, and the reason for their rivalry.  Throughout this story Damian is developing hugely - and will continue to do so in later issues. His upbringing turned him into the perfect killer, and he's finding it hard to agree with Bruce's "no killing" policy. But Bruce is encouraging him all the way, and refuses to give up on him. The moments between Bruce and Damian can be so sweet, and I loved watching their relationship develop and become more secure. Batman will always need a Robin, and Robin will always need a Batman. 4/5 stars.

Photo of Lorien O'Brien
Lorien O'Brien@lorienkittybooks
5 stars
Aug 31, 2021

Batman and Robin has always tugged at the heartstrings, from the story of a kid trying to please his dad and get his head on straight, to a father dealing with loss, and now to this. A father trying to save his son, even if he's passed on. I knew this would happen (thanks to an older brother who's like way ahead of me when it comes to most of the batman comics), but had no clue how it would happen or how it would affect Batman. I think my favorite scene is when the Bat Family is together again, and the crap that's been going on is addressed. I love the relationships between the members, and how close they really are. Most superheroes are on their own, or have like, 1 person. Batman really has a family he's built, one that's strong enough to survive all the BS he and others have been pulling. One so strong they all came, and they're ready to build anew. I can't wait to see what will happen, how Batman will save his son from the worst enemy in DC, and how the family's newly strengthened relationship will continue. I absolutely adore Batman, specifically for those relationships, and I love how New 52 is letting them shine (even if the timeline is all kinds of stupid and Marvel is better at the one-liners).

Photo of Jo A
Jo A@thecupofjo
3 stars
Jan 1, 2024
Photo of Isa
4 stars
Dec 26, 2021
Photo of Amy Medeiros
Amy Medeiros@bookworm4tea
5 stars
Oct 18, 2021
Photo of Amy Medeiros
Amy Medeiros@bookworm4tea
5 stars
Oct 18, 2021