
Duuuuude. One of the best gn’s I’ve read in a while. Tomasi is quickly becoming one of my favorite creators.

Jesus that was rough.

I've cried reading a lot of manga and comics and books, but never has Batman made me cry. Sure, it's ripped my heart out, made me whimper in sorrow, crack up and grin, and come close to vomiting at the nastiness of the evil villains. But never cried. I cried reading this volume. There's a sense in Batman that every character and villain is expendable. Sure, they may come back on a different earth, but you never know when a beloved character might die, or how horrible it will be. Jason is the best example of just how dark this comic universe can get. I read what happened to Robin a while ago, and then read the comic where it actually happened. Perhaps Nightwing was the hardest for me to read. But damn, this takes the cake. It just ripped my heart out over and over. I wondered how far Bruce would go, but then that last comic! Oh man! It killed me. I keep saying Batman blows me away over and over, and it does. While there's some changes that have me raging (see my twitter for more details) they have some amazing storytellers in DC, and this is phenomenal. 5/5 star, and totally worth rereading over and over and crying every time. (Don't ask me why I do that, but I do, all the time.)