
Batman A Lonely Place of Dying

Marv Wolfman1990
Traumatized by the death of Robin, the Dark Knight Detective descends into a brutal existence. But this blind quest for retribution has extremely hazardous mental and physical consequences as a careless and unhinged Batman suffers injury after injury. Deducing the connection between Bruce Wayne and Batman as well as the repercussions that the murder of the Boy Wonder are having on him, a teenaged Tim Drake seeks out Dick Grayson, the original Robin, in a desperate attempt to reunite the Dynamic Duo. An emotional and intense adventure, 'Batman - A lonely place of dying' illustrates the true significance of Batman and Robin's relationship and also introduces a new Boy Wonder.
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Photo of Ícaro Morbeck
Ícaro Morbeck@icaromorbeck
3 stars
Jun 30, 2024
Photo of Lily
3 stars
Mar 30, 2022
Photo of Bianca Pereira da Ponte
Bianca Pereira da Ponte@fallandfox
5 stars
Nov 16, 2021