My Kids Are All Grown Up, So Why Are They Still Driving Me Crazy?

My Kids Are All Grown Up, So Why Are They Still Driving Me Crazy? How to Get Along With Your Adult Children, Their Spouses and Other Aliens

My Kids Are All Grown Up, So Why Are they Still Driving Me Crazy? How To Get Along With Your Adult Children, Their Spouses and Other Aliens By Bea Lewis with Marilyn Murray Willison If you have adult children (i.e., if your kids are grownups), your parenting skills may need a refresher course.. Do your adult kids think you live in the Stone Age?. Do they ignore any advice you give them? . Do your adult children still battle over which sibling is mom or dad's favorite? . Do your grown kids see you as their personal ATM machine?. Does your daughter-in-law treat you like a second class citizen? . Has your child's divorce alienated you from the grandkids? . Do you feel left out when your son or daughter spends more time with the in-laws? If you have answered "yes'' to any of the above questions, you desperately need this guide. "My Kids Are All Grown Up, So Why Are They Still Driving Me Crazy?"was written to help you to be a happy and harmonious parent to your adult children during what some experts now call the second-stage parenting phase. When our kids were little, we knew how to be parents - we taught them to say "please'' and "thank you.'' We knew to kiss a bruised knee and mend a broken heart. We also knew to cheer them on at a Little League game - even when their team was in last place. But then - faster than the speed of light - they grew up, and that's when all the rules on how to be a good parent flew out of the window. Not to worry. This book offers new, helpful guidelines to foster harmony between the generations, and provides the tools needed to enjoy good relationships with your adult kids, their spouses and other aliens.Using real-life scenarios - coupled with advice and opinions from a variety of experts - each chapter focuses on one of today's complicated intergenerational issues such as "adult sibling rivalry,'' "money and inheritance'' (i.e., when giving money to an adult child is more harmful than helpful). One chapter explains the underlying causes for the "mother-in-law/daughter-in-law conflicts'' with tried and true tips for resolution. Other chapters offer suggestions for "dealing with grandkids in mixed-marriages,'' "adult kids who return to the nest,'' "coping with your child's divorce,'' and "how to appreciate your gay or lesbian child.'' More than anything else, this humorous and heartfelt book helps readers learn how to accept their adult children - not as they wish they would be - but as they are."Bea Lewis created an outlet for the wise advice she shared with her newspaper audience. Her guide shows parents how to accept their grown children for who they are - not who they wish they were. '' Anne Rodgers, former Palm Beach Post features editor"A wise, funny, compassionate and practical guide for parents who are struggling to navigate the often- confusing terrain of modern parent/adult child relationships. If you have questions about how to deal with your adult child, Bea Lewis has the answers. Highly recommended!'' Joshua Coleman, Ph.D. Psychologist and Co-Chair, Council on Contemporary Families "Bea Lewis offers the needed solutions for the problems that gnaw at parents of adult children. Terrific!" LeslieBeth Wish, Ed.D. Psychologist and is the family relationship columnist for , a top- ten health site.
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