Beard with Me

Everyone deserves a Billy Winston ❤️

tangina niyo darrell winston at razor dennings

If they don’t get their happy ending, I’m rioting

So I am broken now. Holy smokes I ugly cried with this one! I expected it to be more intense than all the other books, but wooow my heart just broke. Reading more intensely about what the Winston family went through, what Scarlett grew up with. And finally really knowing the truth about how Billy had his knees broken, I just, I can't take it. I did not know this book was going to make me feel so many emotions. You can bet it is not your regular rom-com, even though it does havefunny moments, it has a lot of more intense emotions than the rest of the series. I need to see their HEA like NOW. So let's continue

I have to say this book is definitely a bit different than the other books I've read by Penny Reid. While I'm used to some quirky characters and laugh out loud moments, Beard with Me is definitely a bit darker. This book is pretty long and very intense and knows how to hit you in all the feels. Billy is a Winston brother and he is definitely the kind of person who feels it's his responsibility to keep everything running smoothly at home. At 16, he takes on so much of his family life to help out his mother. Having five younger siblings (and an older one he doesn't want to talk about), life is never boring in their household. Billy is a character that stole my heart about a third into the book. At first he was a little too rough around the edges for me, but once he let Scarlet in, there was something about him! I love how deep he feels. Even though he knows things can't happen or how messed up their families are, he loves with his whole heart. Scarlet is only 14 in this story, but feels so much older. That's not surprising once you learn more about her family. No one should go through what she does and it's not surprising she doesn't live at home. For someone to put themselves in the situation Scarlet is in, it's clear things are bad. Scarlet is very strong though. Even at her darkest moments she tries and sees the light. Music is her distraction and I can very much understand that! Letting someone get close to her isn't something Scarlet wants to let happen. Her walls are built up and she won't let anyone break them down. That is until Billy. I love how at first she was so careful, but slowly started letting her walls down and let herself be loved by Billy and his family. At times she seemed a bit harsh, but at her age and situation, who can blame her?!? Scarlet is a character that deserves the best life possible. Beard with Me is an emotional story. A lot of things happen no human should ever have to face. That being said, these characters are still able to find a little bit of light and enjoy the smaller things! Even though my heart ached while reading this story, little moments brought a smile to my face. Even though this story is pretty dark, Penny Reid gave us little spots of light. I loved that this story was split in a dual POV, because we would've missed a lot if that wasn't the case. Both of their stories is so important. I only wish that near the end we got a little more of Scarlet. I was left with a few questions. Don't expect a happily ever after reading this story, just hope like all of us readers that there will be some type of happily ever after in Beard Necessities! Blog Tour Post: https://thebookdutchesses.com/2019/10...

Not my favorite of the Winston Brothers series and felt like it dragged on a little longer then needed. But the back story was a nice to see to get a better understanding of Billy and Scarlets past

4.5 stars – I AM NOT OKAY!!!! Words can't describe how much I need Beard Necessities in my life. Right now. If the soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts, then my soul was Scarlet. I stayed up until 1AM finishing BwM up, and it was so worth it. I knew I would love Billy and Scarlet, and Penny Reid didn't disappoint. Even though this origin story wasn't quite as angsty or heartbreaking as I expected (except in the last 15% of the book, which was hit after hit to the heart), I loved getting to see how Billy and Scarlet met and fell in love for the first time as teens. Their friends-to-lovers story is sweet, slow, and so beautiful. I hurt for their family struggles but the love they found in each other made me so happy, even when I knew it wouldn’t end happily. If you love the Winston family, you will be seeing them in all their glory in BwM! This origin story gives us a great insight on how this family grows up and especially how Billy loves and takes care of all of them. I really just wanted to give this boy a great big hug for all the sacrifice and work he puts into caring for his family. My heart ached for Scarlet and her loneliness. It's not easy growing up as the daughter of an MC president, with parents who couldn't care less about you. But she finds a new family in Billy and the Winstons, which makes it all the more heartbreaking when you know that her love story doesn't end well, at least for now. Can you tell how much I love Scarlet and Billy? They are on their way to becoming my favorite couple of the series, and we haven't even gotten their actual book yet. These are two wonderful humans who deserve the best of things, not least of which is a second chance at love, which I am SO READY FOR!!! Quotes are taken from the ARC and are subject to change in the final version. Thanks to the author for generously providing me an ARC to review. Amazon Ebook: https://amzn.to/2zpVkf1 Liked this review? Subscribe to Booklovers For Life for more!