
I don't care what y'all say this book is so well written and sweet, oh to be loved like Abby


Holy co-dependency! And yet, I stayed up to finish this book. I couldn't stop reading it, and I even read it again. It's addicting, like their toxic relationship. Update: Changing this to 5 stars because I am obsessed with this book.. I love it, I love the story, the characters, and I especially love Travis Maddox. I love America's loyalty to Abby. She was ready to break up with her boyfriend for her friend's honor. And Travis is so devoted and in love with Abby. Swoon!

they made a movie ? 😭

I've heard AMAZING things about this book ever since it came out, but despite that I always felt like this was not my type of book. I must admit that I did something I promised myself never to do: I judge the book by its cover, I thought this would be one of those books with the annoying main character that clung to the mysterious guy while he tried to push her away. Boy, was I wrong. Beautiful Disaster is a great book, it was entertaining and had great characters. The first half of the book was very enthralling. Jamie McGuire took the normal girl meets bad boy story but told her from her perspective and it was great. My problem was mainly with the second half were things took a bit of a twist, but nevertheless it was great. I definitely would recommend it!

Duas estrelas pelo maravilhoso casal secundário, Shepley e Mare (eu amo essa mulher!!!!), e também porque se eu deixar todos os problemas de lado, e são muitos, gostei um pouquinho do casal principal. A questão é que esse livro é um total desserviço, Travis, assim como todos os personagens do livro mas principalmente ele, é absolutamente machista. Além disso, é doente. Completamente surtado! O relacionamento é mais do que abusivo. E ao decorrer do livro isso não é tratado como um problema da maneira que deveria, é totalmente romantizado. Não tem qualquer tipo de redenção por parte de Travis, ele começa e termina machista. Isso é muito triste.

**** EDIT 2020- This author is vile and racist. No matter how much I loved, liked or enjoyed your book I will no longer support an author who has these blatant views. Not okay. **** If I could sit and read this book in one sitting I totally would have. This book sucked me in from the very first page. I could not put this book down I had to force myself at one point to stop reading so I could go to work. Though I really was considering calling out to finish. It made me excited and extremely happy to read something that I truly enjoy. I could go on and on and on about how much I loved the story. I loved both Abby and Travis, yet they also made me so angry. Abby (a.k.a. Pigeon or Pidge) is a sweet, kind and anxious girl who ran away from her past and wants to make sure that nobody finds out who she truly is. She wants to make sure that her life turns out a certain way and she doesn’t get caught up into things that would turn her back to her old life. There were many times throughout the book Abby did and said things that made me question what she was doing. She ALWAYS wanted an excuse to make sure that her and Travis’s relationship wouldn't work out. She would flip out over the littlest things and make a run for it as soon as it got hard. Travis is a hearty and ruthless player who doesn’t give women more than one night, that is until Abby of course. Underneath his rugged exterior and his bad temper Travis is a sweet and kind guy who really just wants to be loved. He is honest and will let you know exactly how he feels no matter the consequences. There were two things that really bugged me about Travis. One was when he would fuck up something with Abby (mostly on purpose) and then he would be so quick to apologize. I would question why he would be doing something, because I know it would make her mad or upset. The second thing was how controlling and possessive he was over her, even when they were not together. The banter that these two have throughout the book was perfect. After Abby establishes that she will not be sleeping with Travis they become such great friends and spend every moment together. I was rooting for the two of them no matter how many times Abby pushed Travis away and when Travis pulled her back to him. I constantly felt like a tug-of-war between the two of them they both wanted to be with each other but at the same time and they knew that they weren’t good enough for each other. Shout out to basically every After fan who has recommended this book. I Never knew that this book existed and if it wasn’t for you I would never have read it. I don’t know if it’s because of the types of books that I’ve been reading recently or what have you. This book really shoved me out of my reading slump. When I wasn’t able to read the book, I was obsessing over it and what was gonna happen next in the story. These are the kind of books that I live for and I really question why I don’t strive to read more things that make me as happy as this book did. I was giddy the entire time reading the story and it felt like I was using some kind of drug that I just couldn’t get enough of. I am really excited to read the next two books in the series to see how their story ends as well as more from Jamie! Solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5 stars from me!

This is really just a copy of Twilight where the main character has no personality whatsoever and falls for the "bad boy" where she denies her feelings for him until tah-dah, THEY CONFESS THEIR NEVER ENDING LOVE FOR EACH OTHER. I genuinely didn't have that much feeling while reading this and honestly, the romance kind of felt like a ping pong match: Abby loving Travis so much and then backs out, Abby then realising she loves Travis then gets pulled out again. This happened for a VERY LONG TIME *cough* the entire book *cough*. However, with the reviews I have been seeing and the author being very very racist, I cannot say that I will continue reading her books. I would never support an author who is racist and I don't have much knowledge about what truly happened but it's very clear to me she that she will never be one of my favourite authors.

Tomatoes 🍅 🍅 🍅 🍅

I hated this book. It was just so weird and unrealistic. I just really don’t get it.

What was I thinking reading this book !! It's a total mess. And how on earth a disaster could ever be beautiful !! I should have known better than to pick this one from the title only,otherwise I won't be this annoyed. This book is just A DISASTER with a capital A. I read this one based on a friend's recommendation and from now on I swear I won't take her word for any book ever.

I loved seeing the character development of the main characters in this book. I loved this book so much I just couldn’t stop turning the pages. I ended up reading it in 3 days. Very very good book 10/10 would recommend

3.5 stars. I'm so mad that I liked this book. Ugh. So mad. I shouldn't have liked it. There was a lot of things that were wrong with it but there were a lot of things that I liked. Ugh. Okay, I'll start with the positives. I love the trope: there is more to the "bad guy" then what meets the eye. I like seeing the history of the "bad guy" and what made them the "bad guy". Travis was basically the definition of that. I also enjoyed his character growth. He genuinely seemed to want to make changes in his life after meeting Abby. And I liked the fact that he actually stuck to it. I also liked the side characters. America reminds me of my best friend. She is the friend that everybody needs. My best friend would often tell me when I'm being stupid but still report me support me, no matter how irritating I was. America was there for Abby. Even when she knew Abby was being an idiot, she still held her as she cried but she also called her out on the bs. I hope America gets her own story. I would love to read about her and Shepley's relationship. Finch and Shepley were good characters but I wish Finch was fleshed out more. He easily could have had more screen time but oh well I guess. Parker was eh. He seemed also too fake for me. Onto the negatives. Abby. Jesus Christ, this girl irritated me to no end. I understand that her past was pretty awful, having the childhood that she did. But ugh. I can't express how many times I wanted to reach through the pages and punch her. She was so awful to Travis at times and for no legit reason. She loved him and then didn't and then she loved him and then she didn't. The constant back and forth drove me mad! I usually enjoy the hate to love because usually they stay in love. But no, I had to deal with 300-400 pages of Abby being a brat. At one point she recognized it but then continued to be a brat. UGH! Okay, but for real. The book wasn't terrible. It had it shining moments but Abby nearly killed the book for me. I will read the next book simply because I liked Travis as a character and I love reading different POVs. I also hope the read the in between books because I enjoy reading about what happens after without the full dedication of a full length novel. Plus, I don't think I could stomach that much Abby again unless she does a complete 180.

I read this book for the first time when i was 12. I’m 19 now and it has become my comfort book. Still one of my favorite reads, makes my heart ache and gives me butterflies even though I know it through and through. Will I ever get bored of this book? I doubt it.

This was truly a beautiful disaster! It was so trashy and cliche and I was totally hear for it. One Minute I hated Travis, the next minute I loved him! Ultimately I loved every minute of this book!

I truly enjoyed this book however, the last 1/4 to me felt dragged. Towards the end there were things I feel like were unnecessary and just there to fill pages. The first few chapters though were fantastic and loved being able to feel the chemistry that was there. Some may think that Abby's and Travis's relationship was straight toxic-> and I can see that a little but I think this book was good about showing the ups and downs of a relationship. There were things that I felt were too much but it also depends on the relationship at the same time. Some may think its okay and actually want that (the type of attention Travis gave, Stalkerish but in a protective way) where as others may not and that is okay too. Not every relationship is perfect!

So I read this over 4 years and liked it. Since then my reading tastes have seriously changed and I’ve actually realised what toxic relationships look like, so I’m dropping this down to 1 star. Not to mention the fact that this author is a Trumpet so she’s going on my no read list.

So much back and forth... so much miscommunication bleh

the book is so toxic but will forever be one of my favorites idc idc idc!!! PIGEON has been and always will be the best nickname to ever exist.

Drama filled? Yes. Toxic? Uhh yes. Did I enjoy it? Again yes.

This book rubbed me the wrong way completely! At first I was liking it and thought the characters were great. Travis was the bad boy and Abby is the good girl who seemed to be immune to his charm. I loved the bet that they made, however it was soon after this that the book took a downward turn for me. Their relationship soon began to have all the signs of an abusive and unhealthy relationship. (view spoiler)[ Starting with Travis getting that tattoo. I mean if that were me I would have ran away so fast. Even Abby was uncomfortable with it. The dog he bought her? Um, no! He is basically saying well now you have to stay with me because you can't have it in your dorm room. Absolutely ridiculous. Telling her she can't wear something becasue he might get put in jail for beating someone up for looking at her. Uh have you ever thought of just controlling yourself? What are you an animal? So stupid. Then Abby gets that tattoo in the end.... I could have screamed! (hide spoiler)] It actually made me uncomfortable reading it. I hope that girls don't read this and think that they want a guy like Travis because this is an unhealthy relationship. STOP ROMANTISISING ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS!! People will begin to think that this type of behavoir is ok. Which it is NOT! The plot stopped making sense and a lot of it felt unnecessary and rushed. (view spoiler)[ The whole Vegas part of the book was strange to me. Abby is supposed to be a good girl, right? Not anymore? Her character stopped making sense. (hide spoiler)] I don't know, it just lost it for me.

I changed my star rating. Reading this book I initially loved how much attention that Travis pays to Abby. I was crazy jealous. I feel that I read romance novels because I wish I could conjure the male characters to be mine. However, that is besides the point. A few days after reading the book. I. Could. Not. Stop. Thinking. About. Travis's. Behavior. While reading I chalked it up to him being intense and all that. However, after reflection it makes me a tad uncomfortable. He treats Abby like shit most of the time, then over compensates by doing something sweet to gain her forgiveness or trust back which is icky. Just don't be a douche to begin with. Secondly. I. Hate. Pet. Names. Good God, I feel like every romance novelist or NA novelist has to include some sort of special name. Granted pigeon grew on me by the end of the book it still annoys me to no end. Kitten, Pigeon, sweet heart, Baby-cakes, honey.... NO. I liked the book overall but I had a few problem areas that left me a little wary that's why it has a revised three star rating.

This book had hands down the worst and most improbable smut I've ever read. The romance was absolutely not my cup of tea and way too cringe for me. Apart from that the writing was good and most of the characters were likable.

Problemático para caraças. “You have to change, Abby, you can’t wear that to the fight.”; “I’m gonna fuck up, I’m gonna fuck up a lot, Pidge, but you have to forgive me.”; Quando a protagonista finalmente entende que ele e doido:“‘That’s not true. I love you more than my life, Pigeon’ he said, hurt. ‘That’s exactly what I mean. That’s crazy talk.’” Mas guess what, fica com ele na mesma. Meu Deus.

"I knew the second I met you that there was something about you I needed. Turns out it wasn’t something about you at all. It was just you."
screaming crying throwing up I'll never recover from this

"I'm not playing the big brother, Pigeon. Not even close."

"No, you can have it, baby."
I almost just threw up