

In a life filled with meaning and accomplishment, Michelle Obama has emerged as one of the most iconic and compelling women of our era. As First Lady of the United States of America, she helped create the most welcoming and inclusive White House in history. With unerring honesty and lively wit, she describes her triumphs and her disappointments, both public and private. A deeply personal reckoning of a woman of soul and substance who has steadily defied expectations.
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Photo of Sadie Hoffman
Sadie Hoffman@sadieolympia
4.5 stars
Mar 22, 2025

wow wow wow. i love this woman! wish we had a little more people like her in politics. she is so inspirational. great book!!! 🇺🇸

Photo of Sajiya Chaudhary
Sajiya Chaudhary@sajiya_khalik
5 stars
Jul 17, 2024

This was by far the most inspiring and honestly written memoir that I've read. It talks about the struggles and sacrifices every individual who is a minority in the country goes through. One of a kind narration of the life inside White House and becoming the First Lady. Best Read of 2019 for me.

Photo of Julie Twist
Julie Twist@julietwist
5 stars
Jul 10, 2024

Fascinating insight into behind the scenes in the White House, and really enjoyed Michelle's account of her early years. Highly recommended.

Photo of Erin G.
Erin G.@toughcakes
5 stars
Jul 4, 2024

Listened to the audio, loved hearing such personal stories in her own voice.

Photo of Emily Burns
Emily Burns@emilymelissabee
4 stars
Jul 3, 2024

I really loved this book, and connected with so much of it very deeply. There was a depth in the first three quarters of it - until the 2008 election - that I have not seen in many memoirs of this genre. The last quarter of the book was maybe edited down to a more watery version for obvious reasons but also, the proximity of the experience has maybe not been completely processed by the author. I am hopeful that there may be a follow up in future that tells the story of what is happening now - the process of moving on from the WH and into a different kind of life, imbued with the same vibrant writing and reflection found in first three quarters of this one. Michelle Obama has an amazing voice, and I loved spending so much time with her wise words.

Photo of Andrea Morales
Andrea Morales@matchandrea
4 stars
Jun 28, 2024

adóptame Michelle por favor I am begging you... de hoy en adelante when in doubt me preguntaré, what would miss Michelle Obama do??

Photo of Elisavet Rozaki
Elisavet Rozaki @elisav3t
5 stars
May 20, 2024

listen to the audiobook!

Photo of Gigi V
Gigi V@barksandvino
5 stars
May 2, 2024

I was extremely moved by her writing and her honesty. I saw the passion and dedication the roles thrown at her and her family.

Photo of Hannah Yoon
Hannah Yoon@yoonreads
5 stars
Mar 23, 2024

As I read the book, I felt like I was becoming friends with Michelle Obama. I appreciated her ability to share bits of history in her stories. She shared her stories with grace and intellect.

Photo of Ana Luiza
Ana Luiza@anaelin
4 stars
Mar 1, 2024

O que dizer de Michelle Obama? Que orgulho ser da mesma geração dessa mulher tão inspiradora. Sua história é incrível e de muita luta. O jeito que escreve o livro foi impecável e ouvir o audiobook, com a voz da própria deusa, deixou a experiência ainda melhor e me fez sentir muito próxima dela. Espero que muitas meninas tenham sido e sejam inspiradas por Michelle para conquistar cada vez mais coisas em suas vidas, inclusive eu. :) gente a história dela com o barack eh mt fofa meu Deus!

Photo of Megan Daigle
Megan Daigle@megand
5 stars
Feb 17, 2024

I listened to the audio book of Becoming by Michelle Obama. What a wonderful peek into her side of the story. Listening to her voice read her story transported me to sitting on the couch with a wise, older friend. I told anyone who asked it felt as though we were sitting in the couch, each with our chosen warm beverage, and she was simply sharing herself with me. Her words are thought provoking, comforting, emboldening. I would encourage all people to take the time and read or listen to her words. This is her story, which intersects with the back story of two presidential terms as the FLOTUS, and it is one worth taking in. Grateful she would take time to write her autobiography and share it with the world.

Photo of Mel
Mel @melsbooknook
5 stars
Feb 3, 2024

Where can I meet Michelle Obama? Incredibly inspiring and motivating.

Photo of hileahrious
4 stars
Jan 12, 2024

Honestly... I’m glad I read this during another presidential election, because it reminded me that our country isn’t a shithole. It’s filled with good people who actually want to make a difference and it’s our job to vote them in. That being said lol, this was a really well-written memoir.

Photo of Farah Aisha Shabrina
Farah Aisha Shabrina@farahaisha
5 stars
Jan 10, 2024

I know I’m late into the game. Having watched the documentary on Netflix beforehand only gravitated me more towards the longing of reading the book for so long. She is a great storyteller. I really enjoy the narrative as the plot runs naturally. It is as if I joined first-hand the process of her becoming herself. She didn’t just become the first African-American First Lady, she was born to be the First Lady long before she became one. All her life, she had prepared herself for the role she unknowingly would have yet to fulfill. From her being vulnerable on basic life choices —as a woman— on whether to be a hat-tossing, independent-career woman or to feel a bland normalcy of being a wife, readers could tell that she is a woman of stance.

Photo of Lizelle G
Lizelle G@lizelle
5 stars
Dec 28, 2023

In parts, when you pay close attention, you can read through the lines and find her anger — of course, she never had the opportunity to seem angry. In writing this book, Michelle Obama managed to recount her story with a smile, even though her country does not deserve it.

Photo of Amena Elkayal
Amena Elkayal@amena_elkayal
4 stars
Oct 20, 2023

Inspiring ❤

Photo of Elizabeth Wood
Elizabeth Wood@ejwood41
4 stars
Aug 21, 2023

I really enjoyed listening to this book. I was young when Barack Obama was elected and I didn’t know very much about their family until reading this book. It was interesting to get a peek into the White House and their lives before. I also connected with Michelle’s struggles of wanting to be a mom but also wanting to achieve her own goals as well as being in the shadow of her husbands’s career.

Photo of Lamia Hajani
Lamia Hajani@lamafoyomama
5 stars
Aug 10, 2023

5 stars What can I say about Becoming that others already haven't? It's inspiring, and it really sparks something in you when you read it. Michelle Obama is, unsurprisingly, a fantastic writer who has lived one hundred lives just in her one life. This book made me laugh and it made me cry and it inspired me to become. Which is probably what her goal was. In other words, Michelle Obama set out to win hearts and minds, and she really does do a great job of it with Becoming. I'd recommend this to literally anyone. A stranger in the street. Read it if you have the chance.

Photo of Alix Chien
Alix Chien@alixalix
5 stars
Jul 9, 2023

She is quite well-spoken and an inspiring figure, I could resonate with some of the reflections and also being grateful for what I've received in my life.

Photo of Yeung Man Lung
Yeung Man Lung@yomaru_1999
5 stars
Jun 10, 2023

A really inspiring book. It really makes me think that greatness come from excelling in normal minor things.

Photo of Lexy
Lexy @lexywrites
5 stars
May 25, 2023

I thought that this book was good when I read it

Photo of Xin Ma
Xin Ma@xym
4 stars
May 22, 2023

appreciated michelle taking the time to write this, the famous elite are people too. especially enjoyed reading about her struggles with sustaining the family dynamics and her push and pull between the commonly high-paying, high-prestige career and commonly lesser paying, more fulfilling jobs

Photo of Amanda Faith
Amanda Faith@amosa
2 stars
Apr 12, 2023

i'd have probably enjoyed this more had i been able to relate to at least some of the sentiments, which i believe i will be able to do only with time.

Photo of Rin Dav
Rin Dav@erinllsm
5 stars
Mar 29, 2023

An incredible memoir. Pretty remarkable learning about all Michelle Obama has accomplished. She was incredibly vulnerable and open about her entire life, struggles, opinions on her husband being in politics, etc. Politics aside I think you can learn so much from her as she is a true icon and great role model for young ladies. Insane how much she’s accomplished with hard-work and drive. Makes me feel really guilty for ever judging her without knowing her entire story



Photo of Lauren R
Lauren R@lauren24

One evening Sam and I spent a couple of hours talking in my kitchen, … I might use my role as First Lady to try to address some of these issues. One idea bloomed into another. What if we grew vegetable at the White House and helped advocate food? What if we then used that as a cornerstone for something bigger, a whole children's health initiative that might help parents avoid some of tie pitfalls I'd experienced?

sooooooo now i have the name of the man who got rid of our tasty choco and strawb milk while i was in elementary school… watch ur back Sam. Never forgave michelle for that

Photo of Ian Brakspear
Ian Brakspear@ibrakspear

"Let's Invite One Another in.. Maybe then we can begin to fear less, to make fewer wrong assumptions to let go of the biases and stereotypes that unescarry divide us. Maybe we can better embrace the way we are the same. Its not about being perfect, Its not about where you get yourself in the end. There is power in allowing yourself to be know and herd in owning your unique story and using your Authentic voice and there's grace in being willing to know and hear others. This for me is how we Become!

Photo of Kirsten Dowie
Kirsten Dowie@kirsten98

Music seemed to be an antidote to his worries, a way to relax and crowd them out.

Page 10

Music works for some people while reading does for others. I guess we each just need to find our own antidotes to our worries.