A Beautiful Liar

A Beautiful Liar

Beena Khan2022

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Photo of mikee ♡
mikee ♡@readwithmeh
1 star
Jan 5, 2023

The Beautiful Liar is a Hades and Persephone dark mafia retelling and my first read from the author. Initially, I had high hopes for this book because of 'this certain book reviewer' I know that has expressed her great love for her books. But in my ordeal, I encountered contrarily. In line with this, the whole premise was to some degree confusing and underwhelming. I have discovered a lot of content warnings that I do not condone. It was a big effort on my part to finish it off. Although I wasn't the right audience for this book, I still look forward to reading her books soon. My doors and windows are still open for what she has in store for us.

Photo of Yami🌷
3 stars
Sep 24, 2022

ARC recibido a cambio de una reseña honesta A Beautiful Liar es el primer libro de la bilogía Hades y Perséfone. Valerius Vitalli, no es un personaje nuevo para mi ya que lo conocí en a King of beasts y fue un personaje que realmente me dejo intrigada por lo que estaba realmente emocionada de conocer su historia pero me costó un poco conectar con él y aunque hay pov de él siento que aún así no lo conozco del todo. Annabella Serra es un personaje totalmente nuevo y es diferente a otros personajes que ha escrito la autora, realmente fue fácil para mi empatizar con ella en muchos aspectos. Es un personaje muy lindo y dulce al que quiero proteger de todos. Ahora, ellos juntos me gustaron bastante sobre todo al inicio y definitivamente la forma en la que se conocieron me gustó mucho pero hacia el final sentí que todo fue muy apresurado y hubo algunas acciones por parte de él que no me gustaron. Peroooo no puedo esperar a leer el segundo libro y ver todo lo que sucede. En general es bueno, interesante y fácil de leer. POR FAVOR antes de iniciar esta lectura lee los trigger warning. 🇺🇸 ARC provided in exchange for an honest review A Beautiful Liar It's the first book from the Hades and Persephone series. Valerius Vitalli, is not a new character for me since I met him in King of beasts and he was a character that really intrigued me and I was really excited to read his story but I am going to be honest and admit that I couldn't connect much with him and even though there are pov's of him I feel like I still don't know him at all. Annabella Serra is a totally new character and she is different from other characters that the author has written, it was really easy for me to empathize with her in many aspects. She is a very cute and sweet character who I want to protect from everyone. Now, I liked them together especially at the beginning and I liked the way they met a lot but towards the end I felt that everything was very rushed and there were some actions on his part that I didn't like. Buuuuuut I can't wait to read the second book and see everything that happens. In general it is good, interesting and easy to read. PLEASE, before starting this reading, read the trigger warnings.