A Web Of Lies

A Web Of Lies

Beena Khan2022

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Photo of Yami🌷
4 stars
Sep 24, 2022

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange of an honest review.🇺🇸 He was the sun to my moon, and the stars in my sky. Omg Beena did it again, this story had me from the first chapter. Normally mafia stories don't have female assassins so when Beena said that the protagonist of this book would be one, I was really excited. And I'm very happy because it's everything I expected. Ana is a very strong and brave protagonist, throughout the book we see all this discovery that she lives and at times she reminded me a lot of Ayla (the night thief) since from a very young age they trusted someone who unfortunately in the end betrayed them. It was interesting to read how over time the little pieces fit into the story, Ana's memories left me very intrigued and when the truth was finally revealed I couldn't believe it. Surge is a totally different character than any other Beena has written before as he doesn't have the traditional mob story that we know and I loved that because it allows him to be more open and not as conventional as the other Dons. From the first chapter he caught me because his personality is very different. Surge and Ana were really entertaining from the first chapter, reading the way he was captivated and how she just couldn't kill him, I liked that Surge pushed her to be herself and not the killer she thought she should be, They were a total surprise and without a doubt one of my favorite couples. I loved seeing other couples here again like Dahlia and Vlad because I missed them so much 🤧 The epilogues of the other couples also gave me a lot of happiness 💞 ARC proporcionado por el autor a cambio de una reseña honesta.🇪🇸 Él era el sol para mi luna, y las estrellas en mi cielo. Omg Beena lo volvió a hacer, está historia me tuvo desde el primer capítulo. Normalmente las historias de mafia no tienen mujeres asesinas así que cuando Beena dijo que la protagonista de este libro sería una lo estuve esperando con muchas ansias. Y estoy muy feliz porque es todo lo que esperaba. Ana es una protagonista muy fuerte y valiente, a lo largo del libro vemos todo esté camino de auto descubrimiento que vive y en momentos me recordo mucho a Ayla (the night thief) ya que desde muy jóvenes confiaron en alguien para al final ser traicionadas. Fue interesante leer como con el tiempo las pequeñas piezas encajaban en la historia, los recuerdos de Ana me dejaban muy intrigada y cuando finalmente se reveló la verdad yo no lo podía creer. Surge es un personaje totalmente distinto a otro que Beena haya escrito antes ya que el no tiene la historia tradicional de mafia que estamos acostumbrados a leer y eso me encantó porque hasta cierto punto lo permite ser un poco más abierto y no tan convencional como los otros Don. Desde el primer capítulo me atrapó porque de verdad su personalidad es muy distinta. Surge y Ana fueron realmente muy entretenidos desde el primer capítulo, leer la forma en la que el quedó cautivado y como ella simplemente no podía matarlo, me gustó que Surge la impulsara a ser ella misma y no la asesina que ella creí que debía ser, fueron una total sorpresa y sin duda una de mis parejas favoritas. Amé volver a ver a otras parejas aquí como Dahlia y Vlad porque los extrañaba mucho 🤧 Los epilogos de las otras parejas que fueron incluidos al final también me dieron mucha felicidad 💞

Photo of Nikki Jay
Nikki Jay @readwithnikki413
4 stars
Aug 15, 2022

A Dark Mafia Romance Retelling of Anatasia Trigger Warning: Murder, physical violence against a minor (one scene), mentions of the black market, language, torture, assassinations, gore, grooming, domestic abuse, breath play, knife play, and blood play. I particularly liked how the mafia themes were incorporated into the Anatasia story. The character's path was effectively shown and wasn't dull. The writing was excellent, with the addition of the other worlds and potential leadership changes. The conclusion was excellent! Sidenote: Oh my goodness, so this took me out completely... I was like  "Let me read this again,"  "pause and visualize, okay resume." Lol. He only pried my legs apart as his damp red fingers settled between my core’s slit. Surge’s blood-coated fingers found my folds as he shoved two of them inside of me. This was so fucking dirty, and damn me for liking it.