Overcome Infertility and Pain, Naturally

Overcome Infertility and Pain, Naturally How the Hands-On Wurn Technique® Enhances Fertility in Women, Eliminates Debilitating Pain, and Restores Health and Hope

Unexpected breakthroughs that bring hope and healthThe Wurn Technique® has restored quality of life to many people suffering adhesion-related pain. It is producing countless unanticipated benefits – including restored female fertility – as its story continues to unfold.In 1985, physical therapist Belinda Wurn was told she would live in excruciating pain from adhesions for the rest of her life. She and her husband, Larry, didn't take it sitting down. Through extensive study, trial and error they developed an effective hands-on treatment to relieve Belinda's pain. Their technique proved valuable beyond what they had even imagined.Inspired by the results they witnessed, they established a clinic to provide care and compassion to people who, like Belinda, had been told by doctors there was no hope. The foundation of treatment was their Wurn Technique®, a deep 'hands on' therapy to affected muscles and organs. They found that it worked for most patients as it had for Belinda.Soon, they began hearing from patients who were experiencing a range of totally unexpected benefits. It started with a woman who had come to them as a last gasp effort to relieve severe pelvic pain. After completing the Wurn's therapy she was virtually pain-free; but it didn't end there. Before therapy, she was infertile due to seven years of totally blocked fallopian tubes. But after her visit to the Wurns, she called to say she had become pregnant – the good old fashioned way. As word spread, physicians began referring women with pain or infertility despite years of expensive medical treatments, surgery or IVF. One doctor referred his wife, 12 years' infertile and entering menopause. Most of these women (including the doctor's wife) had natural pregnancies and easy births after the Wurns' therapy. To their delight, many found that desire and orgasms increased, or sex was no longer painful.Then reports came in from others with similar stories of unanticipated positive results. In the face of these, and with the encouragement of the medical community, Belinda and Larry began expanding their horizons.Overcome Infertility or Pain, Naturally is the fascinating story of these breakthroughs. It details the science behind the Wurn Technique® and presents the results of rigorous medical studies. It shares the dramatic narratives of women who had been declared medically infertile and went on to become "miracle moms." And it shines the light on many areas of new hope for people suffering a range of painful symptoms, from intestinal blockages to hormonal problems.This is a book of inspiration and hope built on a rock solid foundation of good, sound science and fact. It is required reading for anyone seeking solutions to female infertility, pain (whether unexplained, or related to adhesions or endometriosis), and other adhesion-related problems.
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