The Alchemist
Benjamin Jonson (June 11, 1572 - August 6, 1637) was an English dramatist, actor and poet. He is best known for his plays Volpone and The Alchemist and his lyric poems as well. A good friend of William Shakespeare.His works had influenced many poets and writers such Jacobean and Caroline.

Vicky Nuñez @vicky21
Ben Jonson is a great writer who's only mistake must be to have been born at the same time as the great Shakespeare. Full of satire and sexual innuendos, The Alchemist narrates the tale of two rogues, one the alchemist who promises people to turn all their items to gold and the other his helper. Matched with a prostitute who fools around with them it makes a comic tale of lust and greed.

lauren carla@laurenslibros

Kwan Ann Tan@kwananntan

Joshua Line@fictionjunky
